July 26, 2018

July 26, 2018
Commissioners Robert ‘Pits’ DeArmond, Scott Blain, and Bill Bullock, and Administrative Officer Angela Newell were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.
9:00 Red Lodge Mayor William Larson joined the meeting. He received the Commissioners letter requesting to be added to the City Council Agenda listserv; he will send link to google group for council agendas and notices of what is happening in Red Lodge. Commissioners noted they would like to meet quarterly to keep communication open. Mayor Larson noted the City has passed the Airport Board Agreement with a few minor changes and extending the contract to an ongoing contract unless canceled. Regarding the City Court Agreement, the City is still evaluating the indemnification clause. Checking with MLIA. Council 2nd and 4th Tuesdays.
9:10 Betsy Scanlin joined the meeting regarding interlocal with Joliet regarding road maintenance on State Street and Carbon Avenue. Commissioner Blain noted these streets are in front of the county road shop and both the Town and County have received complaints about dust on the roads and potholes. The agreement is to apply millings to streets and assist with the realignment of the State St. and Carbon Ave intersection. Commissioner Blain estimates the Town’s cost for ½ the County labor, equipment, and product costs would be about $5,000. Scott noted this agreement is specific to the streets in front of County Road Shop and will not be extended to other municipal streets. Betsy noted she believes the County is doing the right thing. Commissioner DeArmond moved to approve the Interlocal Agreement with the Town of Joliet for road maintenance on State Street and Carbon Ave; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.
9:30 Neighbors Helping Neighbors members Jenny Jacobsen, Lanette Harshman, and Audrey Bonogofsky met with Commissioners to discuss the Belfry Beautification project. Betsy Scanlin was also present. Commissioner DeArmond noted he met with Ed Webb and contract Planner Forrest Mandeville on Tuesday to review County regulations regarding the fence at the entrance to Belfry. There is no record of the Board of Commissioners approving the fence in the County’s right-of-way. The fence is non-compliant with County Development Regulations because it cuts off legal and physical access on Front Street for each of Ed Webb’s 5 lots. Jenny noted the group went through a 5-year process to get the fence built including over a year’s worth of meetings with the Montana Department of Transportation to get an easement from the State to construct the fence in the right-of-way and for the State to approve of the materials used. To complete the fence, they requested approval from former Commissioner Doug Tucker to use County’s right-of-way and believed they went through all the proper channels. Commissioner Bullock apologized for past issues; he suggested the group work with Ed Webb regarding access issues or remove the fence along his property.

Lanette requested the Commissioners assist with opening a dialogue with Ed Webb. Commissioner Bullock explained that because of the Commissioners could potential have this issue before them to approve, they could not mediate. Commissioners reviewed a map of the property in question and the required physical access to lots being prevented by the fence. The group noted they are willing to remove the fence, but requested to keep the section that does not prevent access to Ed Webb’s lots.
10:00 County Attorney Alex Nixon noted Industrial Communications and Electronics has responded to the County’s Simulcast System complaint. They denied all claims and indicated they may file a cross claim against Blue Wave as Industrial believes Blue Wave is responsible for the radio system issues.

Commissioners continued to discuss the Belfry Beautification project with the Neighbors Helping Neighbors group. Commissioner Bullock volunteered to help remove the fence, but denied the request for the County to reimburse the cost of the fence. Commissioner DeArmond noted he informed Ed Webb that County would give Neighbors Helping Neighbors up to 90 days to remove the fence. Betsy Scanlin suggested the group offer to place a memorial on the fence to try to make it more appealing to Ed Webb.

10:45 DES Coord. / GIS Mgr. Tom Kohley met with Commissioners regarding the Wapiti radio repeater approval. Tom also noted he is looking at a new site for the Bridger radio tower. He would like to explore putting in a road to the tower site from the “bone yard” owned by the Town of Bridger. Commissioner DeArmond will visit the site with him to evaluate.

Angela and Commissioners discussed use of special gas tax money for road projects in the 2018-2019 fiscal year. Commissioners are considering rescinding the Resolution to apply those funds to dust control and are considering reserving 2017-2018 funds to use on paving projects going forward.

12:00 Adjourned

Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Officer