July 28, 2016


July 28, 2016

Commissioners Doug Tucker, John Grewell, and John Prinkki were present.

8:30 Pledge of Allegiance

Public Comment Dick Josephson, Beth Josephson, Mary Ellen Mangus, Carol Paddon, Julie Ziegler, Bert Farmer, Stephen Martiak, Richard Lewallen, John Miller, Joseph Rich, Peggy Miller, Paul E. Miller, JoAnn Eder were present.

Tom Hunt from Tri-State Equipment met with Commissioners to discuss the Volvo Motor Grader Repurchase Agreement.

Commissioners discussed East Rosebud Road issues with attendants. Leslie Ziegler asked why easements were not secured when the County approved the subdivisions. It was noted that much of the land was subdivided prior to the Subdivision and Platting Act. Landowners expressed concerns as to why other roads in the County with less residences are County roads and receive regular maintenance. Commissioner Prinkki noted that the roads mentioned were established as County Roads. Carol Patten asked why the maintenance stopped; Commissioners noted that they had received pressure to maintain other roads that are not County Roads and ceased maintenance on all non-county roads.

8:55 Contract Deputy County Attorney Jacque Papez joined the meeting.

Landowners requested the County write a letter detailing which easements are still needed and the specific requirements for a petition to establish the East Rosebud Road as a County Road. They would like to see the County drive this process forward.

9:05 County Attorney Alex Nixon joined the meeting.

Jacque noted that the County’s position is that the county has a valid petition; the petition that was submitted did not meet statutory requirements. They would like to see more clarity on what petitioners are agreeing to. Jacque noted the petition process requires action by citizens; Commissioner Prinkki noted the Commissioners would like the process driven by the residents.

Commissioner Grewell noted that providing County maintenance may calm the situation and allow time to secure easements and a petition to establish it as a county road. Commissioner Grewell moved to grade East Rosebud Road to make it passable for a period of 12 months to allow for easements and petitions to be secured to establish the East Rosebud Road as a County Road; Commissioner Tucker seconded; motion carried.


Landowners noted they are only requesting maintenance at level it was previously provided they requested the Commissioners continue to Communicate with landowners and that an easement template be provided to give landowners guidance to grant easements.

9:45 Commissioners closed the meeting to discuss personnel and litigation issues with the County Attorneys.

10:00 Commissioner Tucker left meeting.

10:12 Meeting reopened.

Commissioners and attorneys discussed going forward with the East Rosebud Road. Commissioners would like Jacque to prepare letter outlining easement and petition requirements to send to landowners.

10:15 Clerk & Recorder Marcia Henigman asked if attorneys knew the status of the Bridger Cemetery District’s boundary relocation. An evaluation of the property values established the parcels at different values and prevents a straight land swap. Marcia also informed commissioners that Bret Crosby has not provided payment for the land sale. Angela will draft letter to Bret.

10:30 Commissioner Grewell moved to approve Commissioners Proceedings for July 18th, 21st, and 25th; Commissioner Prinkki seconded; motion carried.

11:00 Airport Board Meeting. Wally Zook moved to approve May 16, 2016 Airport Board meeting minutes; John Prinkki seconded; motion carried

12:00 Adjourned



Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Assistant