July 7, 2016
July 7, 2016
Commissioners John Grewell, Doug Tucker and John Prinkki were present. Angela Newell, Administrative Assistant, was on maternity leave.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance
Roberta Cady, county nurse, presented a Checklist for Review and Approval of Communicable Disease Reporting Protocol and Communicable Disease Annex and an Approval and Implementation of the CCPHD All Hazards Emergency Operations Plan Communicable Disease Annex. Commissioner Grewell motioned to approve both documents; Commissioner Tucker seconded the motion; motion carried.
Commissioner Tucker motioned to approve the county’s participation in the TriCounty Victim Witness program (with Stillwater and Sweet Grass counties); Commissioner Grewell seconded the motion; motion carried.
Commissioner Grewell moved to approve the claims for the month of June; Commissioner Tucker seconded the motion; motion carried.
Tom Kohley, DES Coordinator/GIS Manager, presented a Statement of Work from the state for a county LIA grant application and a maintenance and licensing agreement for CodeRed Next Services (grant award) for the commissioners’ signatures. Tom advised the commissioners that the county is also a Volunteer Fire Assist grant recipient.
9:00 Jacque Papez, civil county attorney, and Alex Nixon, county attorney, met with the commissioners. Elenore Guerrero, Carbon County News, attended. Discussed was the East Rosebud Road petition submitted by Rene Coppock. Jacque has concerns that the petition is not 100% sufficient but needs to talk to Ms. Coppock about her concerns; the petition was tabled for now.
Alex has yet to review the easement submitted by Bert and Joanne Eder but the recommendation is not to accept the document for recording at this time. Jacque and Alex would like the county to present a model easement because of certain requirements for a county road versus a public road.
9:20 The meeting was closed to discuss litigation of a potential lawsuit; minutes of the closed session were taken and sealed per statute.
9:30 The meeting was re-opened to the public.
The group had a discussion of the dispatch center regarding the value of the proposed purchase property, current projects, the budget for building acquisition and future potential of the proposed property for county purposes. Sheriff Josh McQuillan joined the discussion and thinks it’s still a good option with the most potential. Commissioner Tucker moved to authorize Jacque to draw up a buy-sell based on contingencies and appraisal. Commissioner Grewell requested further discussion; he has concerns regarding the final cost of the purchase and required building changes and whether the county knows exactly “what do we want the final project to be”. Sheriff McQuillan said they have thought about the future and the proposed building’s potential. Commissioner Prinkki feels the proposed building satisfies the current need. Commissioner Grewell asked if the offer is “as is” and the county’s use is “as is”. Commissioner Prinkki answered that they do have a top end figure which would include the necessary remodeling to retrofit the dispatch center; the proposed property would also provide much needed parking for employees. The group discussed other locations in the county but relocating the dispatch center further from its present location would add considerable costs and communication issues. Commissioner Grewell seconded the motion for Jacque to draw up the buy-sell based on current information; motion carried.
10:00 The bid opening for the West Fork Road chip seal project was held:
Riverside Contracting $90,900 ($30,300/mile)
Commissioner Prinkki moved to accept the lone bid from Riverside Contracting; Commissioner Tucker seconded the motion; motion carried.
10:10 Tom Kohley, DES Coordinator/GIS manager, joined the meeting with the commissioners to discuss future fire restrictions; Tom has concerns regarding the language of the county’s current resolutions for fire restrictions. Tom gave an explanation that historically fire restrictions were developed for federal lands and now are not reasonable for counties; fire restrictions are also inconsistent between federal, state and county agencies. Tom is working on local jurisdiction language for the county’s fire restrictions. There was further discussion on the next stage restriction and the exceptions; surrounding counties have already gone into Stage Two fire restrictions. He will prepare the necessary resolution for the county’s fire restrictions.
Dan Mydland from the fair board stopped in to show the commissioners the bid for bleachers at the fairgrounds; the commissioners advised Dan that the bid is acceptable with them if it’s within the fair budget and the fair board approves.
The name of Rondi Israel was presented for appointment to the Roberts Water and Sewer District; Commissioner Tucker moved to appoint Rondi to the board; Commissioner Grewell seconded the motion; motion carried. Rondi’s term will expire December 31, 2019.
The name of Dean Treptow was presented for appointment to the Roscoe Fire District board; Commissioner Tucker moved to appoint Dean to the board; Commissioner Grewell seconded the motion; motion carried. Dean’s term will expire May 31, 2019.
Commissioner Tucker moved to approve the minutes of June 27; Commissioner Grewell seconded the motion; motion carried.
Commissioner Tucker moved to approve the District Court Report and the Treasurer’s Cash Report for June; Commissioner Grewell seconded the motion; motion carried.
Commissioner Tucker moved to approve the appointment of Frank Teters and John Grewell to the board of Area II Agency on Aging; Commissioner Prinkki seconded the motion; motion carried.
11:00 Sheriff McQuillan returned to the meeting to discuss the new state jail standards as submitted by a joint committee and the Montana Association of Counties; as he had not received them, Commissioner Prinkki will forward those to him for review.
11:30 Adjourned
Respectfully submitted: Marcia Henigman, Clerk and Recorder