July 7, 2020
July 7, 2020
Commissioners Scott Blain and Bill Bullock; Administrative Officer Angela Newell; Commissioners’ Secretary Barbara Daniel; and Gordon Sirrine (via tele-conference) were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance
Commissioners approved hiring a dispatcher from the pool to fill the vacancy created by Christi Brenna’s resignation.
9:00 Carbon County News Reporter Eleanor Guerrero (tele-conference) and Disaster and Emergency Services (DES) Coordinator / Fire Warden Tom Kohley joined the meeting regarding Resolution 2020-21: To Create the Carbon County Geographic Information System (GIS) Department and Adopt the GIS Manager Job Description. Discussion regarding the justification for including Fire Warden duties under the GIS Manager (due to the cross jurisdictional nature of fire management and the need to diversify the availability of the county’s incident command to respond to multiple disasters simultaneously by separating the role of Fire Warden from the role of DES Coordinator). GIS will be its own County department because of its interwoven nature with other County departments. Commissioner Bullock moved to approve Resolution 2020-21 with the attached job description; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.
9:15 Guerrero departed the meeting; Scott Miller joined the meeting.
Commissioner Bullock moved to accept the Treasurer’s Cash Report for the close of June 2020; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.
Commissioner Bullock moved to accept the Clerk and Recorder Monthly Deposit Reconciliation for June 2020; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.
Commissioner Bullock moved to accept the District Court Fees and Fines Receipts Summary Report for June 2020; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.
9:30 Sheriff Josh McQuillan joined the meeting regarding the COPS Grant Agreement. The grant will fund a Deputy on patrol to back-fill Deputy Carrington’s shift. Newell detailed that the grant will cover almost 100% of salary costs in the first year; 75% in the second year; in the third year the County will be responsible for the full salary cost. Commissioner Bullock moved to accept the terms and conditions for the COPS Hiring Program; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.
10:00 Sanitarian Cortney Lynde joined the meeting for her monthly update. Lynde presented for Commissioner Blain’s signature the Amended Cooperative Agreement for Reimbursement for Licensed Establishment Inspections which accounts for reimbursements for COVID-19 functions. Septic permitting has been busy, but manageable, with more applications than 2019 (mostly for new construction). Miller inquired whether Lynde was having any challenges or issues in the Bridger District with increased construction in Sage Creek; Lynde responded that there are sometimes compliance issues in Belfry.
10:30 Kohley rejoined the meeting for his DES Coordinator / Fire Warden monthly update. Guerrero re-joined (tele-conference). Kohley demonstrated CrewSense for managing Fire mutual-aid assets. Auto-Aid Level 1 is in-place whereby if there is a fire, there will be 2 rural fire districts responding along with a severity team. Kohley provided an update on grants: the FY2017 State Homeland Security Program (SHSP) Grant for the Bridger Radio Tower came in under budget and Kohley secured a budget modification to spend remaining funds on a microwave dish/radio, a new repeater, and backup power; the next fiscal year Emergency Management Planning Grant (EMPG) has begun with the County set to receive $52.5k; the grant application for Hazard Migitation Grant Program (HMGP) for Sand Creek submitted for Town of Bridger was not funded but Kohley is appealing with FEMA for re-evaluation. Discussion regarding radio tower systems and how best to maximize capability vs. cost to fill-in current gaps; will address in future Capital Improvement Plan meeting. Discussion regarding the COVID-19 Incident Management Team’s Policy Group and the roles and responsibilities of the County Health Officer, Public Health, the County, and Beartooth Hospital.
11:00 Commissioner Bullock moved to approve the Fromberg Interlocal Agreement for Law Enforcement Services; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried. Commissioner Bullock moved to approve the Joliet Interlocal Agreement for Law Enforcement Services; Commissioner Blain seconded; discussion regarding the differences in the two contracts with respect to annual rate increases; motion carried.
Discussion regarding gravel crushing at the Bischoff Pit. The pit is owned by BLM and per conversations that former Commissioner DeArmond had with the Bureau, there is no fee for the County to crush there. Historically the County has paid a fee to Sunlight Ranch since the pit is accessed through their property. This fee should be referred to as a site access fee.
Commissioner Bullock moved to approve Employee Time as submitted; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.
11:15 Guerrero departed the meeting.
11:30 Beki Brandborg, GL Development, joined the meeting (tele-conference) to present the Pleasant View Rural Development Project on N Main St in Joliet. Pleasant View has consisted of 12 apartments for low income seniors for 40 years as part of a USDA Rural Development project. The apartments need renovations such as handicap accessibility, energy-efficiency, and outdoor “green space”. Brandborg requested the County’s letter of support to the Montana Department of Commerce Board of Housing. Commissioner Blain asked about where residents live while the building is being renovated; Brandborg replied that hotels/stipends would be made available. Commissioner Bullock inquired whether the Town of Joliet has indicated their support; the Town has a meeting on 20th and will discuss. Brandborg said Steve Simonson at Beartooth Resource, Conservation & Development has been extremely helpful. Commissioners committed to providing Brandborg a letter of support for Brandborg’s application to the Board of Housing at Montana Department of Commerce.
12:00 Adjourned.