NOTICE: NEW BURN PERMIT SYSTEM - Purchase a 2025 burn permit starting Jan 1

June 1, 2021

June 1, 2021

Commissioners Scott Blain, Bill Bullock and Scott Miller; Administrative Officer Angela Newell; and Commissioners’ Secretary Barbara Krizek were present.

8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.

9:30 Sheriff Preliminary Budget. Sheriff Josh McQuillan detailed requested changes to next fiscal year budget. He expects two retiring Deputy leave payouts. There is a statutory increase for Undersheriff Jeff Schmalz to 98% of elected official’s salary. McQuillan would like to bring Sergeants to 92% and Secretary Michelle DeReneaux to 80%. The Hell’s Angels event at the end of July is budgeted to add $15k in overtime pay and $10k in food/travel. McQuillan would like to resume the K9 unit and is exploring State funding opportunities; Commissioner Bullock expressed concern whether the K9 program is worth the effort. Commissioner Miller inquired whether a K9 could be used for Deputy safety; McQuillan said that it would require more cost/training to be a dual-purpose dog, but could be helpful in certain circumstances.

11:00 Road and Bridge Preliminary Budget. Newell inquired whether Commissioners wanted to budget for a Road Superintendent position; Commissioner Bullock cautioned against being too management-heavy; Commissioner Blain felt efficiencies could be gained; Commissioner Miller stated that his shop has recently gained further management training; Commissioners agreed to table discussion until further information can be gathered. Commissioner Miller indicated his intent to follow-through on previous Bridger Commissioner DeArmond’s plan and promise to spend $90k in Bridge and Road Safety Accountability Act (BaRSAA) funds for re-paving South River Road starting at the intersection at East Bridger Road. Cost of asphalt is projected to double; Newell will draft a Request For Proposals. Regarding the Capital Improvement Fund, Newell will budget $50k for Bridger Shop and $25k for Red Lodge sand shed. Commissioner Blain asked to add a new fund for eventual Cooney Dam Road maintenance/striping.

11:30 Public Health Roberta Cady and Sheila Boggio joined to discuss Department of Public Health and Human Services (DPHHS) grants.

12:00 Adjourned for lunch.

1:00 Continued Road and Bridge budget discussion. The lower/upper East Side Road bridges are slated for replacement in FY2022 and Chance Road Bridge FY2023. Resort Tax from Red Lodge Mountain was reduced this last fiscal year due to the volume of on-line sales due to COVID-19; Newell will budget this reduced figure going forward; this will reduce funds dedicated to road maintenance on Ski Run Road. Commissioner Miller would like to start the process of opening up the Phillips gravel pit.

Sheriff McQuillan confirmed that Deputy Quentin Thompson has provided his retirement notice effective July 1; Commissioners approved advertising for a replacement.

County Building Preliminary Budget. Newell detailed that the salary budget increased due to Janitor Mike Schilz successfully passing his probation period and filling-in extensively by working .7FTE to cover vacation leave for Lead Janitor Rick Martin. The final phase of the roof replacement in the Personal Services Building and electrical upgrades for the Court House were added to the maintenance budget. Newell recommended Capital improvement transfers of $300k for a future Courthouse and $30k for replacing the Administration building elevator. Newell stated that there will be approximately $600k COVID-19 CARES Act funding to allocate; option to allocate to Capital or cash reserves.

2:30 Adjourned.