June 13, 2019

June 13, 2019
Commissioners Robert ‘Pits’ DeArmond, Scott Blain, and Bill Bullock, and Administrative Officer Angela Newell were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance
Kyle McKenny met with Commissioners to request the $200 review fee for certificates of survey exempt from Subdivision review be waived. Commissioners do not want to set a precedent for waiving fees.
Lori Kane met with Commissioners regarding Senate Bill 35 for the creation of an Interdisciplinary Child Information and School Safety Team. Lori noted it will likely be the same members that are part of the existing child protection team; it is a matter of formalizing the team to be in compliance with the new law. Letters to various agencies requesting their appointees will go out next week.
DES Coord. / GIS Mgr. Tom Kohley met with Commissioners regarding radio frequencies. He noted with the new radio system the communication plan needs to be revised; road district frequencies will need to be changed in the plan as those repeaters have been removed from simulcast. Tom is proposing 16 channels to be programmed into all road radios; Commissioners agreed to the new configuration
8:55 Mary Cameron met with Commissioners to submit letter of resignation as DUI Task Force Coordinator effective July 15, 2019.
9:15 Fair Board members Phil Nardinger and Melissa Oswald met with Commissioners. The meeting was closed to discuss a personnel issue.
9:30 Meeting reopened. Phil and Melissa discussed the Fair preliminary budget with Commissioners. They presented a request from the board to move $3,000 from line 230, $4,000 from line 340, and $3,000 from line 366 to line 930 for the purchase of playground equipment. Commissioner Bullock moved to approve line items transfers as requested; Commissioner DeArmond seconded; motion carried. Commissioners reviewed the Fair Board’s capital improvement plan. There was a discussion regarding improving shower facilities and the possibility of eventually adding additional power for camper hookups. The Commissioners approved the Fair Boards request to establish a Fair Capital Fund to start setting funds aside annually for the capital improvement plan.
10:10 Contract Civil Attorney Jacque Papez joined he meeting. The meeting was closed to discuss a personnel matter.

10:40 Meeting reopened

11:00 Asphalt Supply Bid opening. Three bids were received as follows: Knife River $52/ton; Fisher Sand & Gravel $51/ton; Riverside Contracting $64/ton. Commissioner Bullock moved to approve Fisher Sand and Gravel’s bid as the lowest responsible bidder; Commissioner DeArmond second; motion carried.
12:00 Adjourned

Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Officer