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June 13, 2023

June 13, 2023
Commissioners Scott Miller, Scott Blain, and Bill Bullock; and Administrative Officer Angela Newell were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.
Wayne Engebretson met with Commissioners to request street sweeping on West Fork Road so that cyclists are not forced into the driving lanes to avoid sand. Bullock noted it is a tremendous waste of resources, even if the County had a broom that could do the job it would be several hours including mobilization and demobilization. Bullock noted the road is constructed for vehicular traffic. Engebretson suggested that it could be dealt with a staff member and broom and a shovel. Bullock noted street sweeping is not a regular maintenance item for the County or the State. Engebretson asked if private individuals could act themselves; Bullock did not dissuade Engebretson from sweeping the road himself. Engebretson also complained about a new crack on the East Rosebud Road.
Crystal Roascio met with Commissioners to request a variance from the Sick Leave Grant eligibility criteria which requires an absence of 10 consecutive days. Commissioners approved the variance.

Discussed appraisal and sale timeline for property in Joliet; need to have the appraisal re-certified to meet statutory timelines for the sale.

Miller noted attendance at Montana Oil & Gas Counties meeting next week.

Bullock noted discussions with the Red Lodge Area Community Foundation Housing Committee. There does not seem to be a focus on getting the most bang for their buck with multi-family housing units.

Discussed space for Red Lodge food bank. Their current lease is up in the summer of 2024. Commissioners agreed that the County may be able to provide space and could consider that in the Cedarwood remodel plans.

Discussed encroachment on Personal Services Building and possible solutions to remedy the issues. Discussed access around the south side of the property for County maintenance. Discussed possibility of selling a utility easement encroachment and including language regarding replanting trees and correcting sprinkler system. Commissioners discussed an increased easement price if the retaining wall is not removed to accommodate for removing access around the south side of our building.

10:30 Human Resource Specialist Kate Asbury and insurance representatives Tom Chamberlan, Josh O’Shea, and David Seitz met for the Workers Compensation Insurance renewal. Seitz reviewed renewal, classification increases, and the overall savings from MACo pool rates (approx. $50k /yr.).

11:00 Red Lodge Fire Chief Tom Kuntz and Election Administrator Crystal Roascio met with Commissioners regarding Resolution to change Financing of Red Lodge-Roberts Ambulance district. Bullock moved to Approve Resolution 2023-18 Calling Red Lodge Roberts Ambulance District Mill Levy Election; Blain seconded; motion carried.

11:30 Public Health Director Erin Cross and contractor Jason Mahoney of 373 Consulting joined for the Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP) Services Agreement renewal. Bullock moved to approve the PHEP Services agreement with Jason Mahoney 373 Consulting; Blain seconded; motion carried.

12:00 Lunch

1:00 Justice of the Peace Kevin Nichols met with Commissioners to discuss his preliminary budget. Discussed travel / training, future copier replacement, and cedarwood planning. Nichols requested to increase the existing Clerk Sarah Elton from Clerk 2 to Clerk 3 at her employment anniversary. Commissioners were generally in agreement, but requested the item be revisited closer to the anticipated increase date.

1:30 Blain moved to approve Resolution 2023-19 Calling Red Lodge Mountain Resort Tax Area and Resort Tax Election; Bullock seconded; motion carried.


Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Officer