June 15, 2015
June 15, 2015
Commissioners Doug Tucker, John Grewell, and John Prinkki were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioner Tucker moved to approve meeting minutes from June 8th and 11th; Commissioner Grewell seconded; motion carried.
Commissioner Tucker moved to accept Justice Court Report for May 2015; Commissioner Grewell seconded; motion carried.
10:00 Sheriff Josh McQuillan and Disaster and Emergency Services Coordinator Darrel Krum met with Commissioners to discuss the Industrial Communications 911 Support and Services Agreement renewal. Commissioner Grewell moved to accept renewal agreement with Industrial Communications for 911 System Support and Replacement of UPS units in Court House; Commissioner Prinkki seconded; motion carried.
10:30 Jeff Schmidt from Red Lodge Mountain met with Commissioners to discuss the overdue resort tax payment. County Attorney Alex Nixon was also present. Discussed payment of resort tax and changing it to a quarterly payment in the future.
11:00 Bill Lloyd, Great West Engineering met with Commissioners regarding Services Contract for Task Order No. 4 for 2015 Treasure State Endowment Program (TSEP) Bridge Design, Construction Administration and Observation, and Grant Administration Services for bridges on Red Lodge Creek Road, East Pryor Road, and Homestead Road. Commissioner Grewell moved to accept Task Order #4 for Great West Engineering for TSEP bridge replacements; Commissioner Tucker seconded; motion carried.
Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Assistant