June 15, 2023

June 15, 2023
Commissioners Scott Miller, Scott Blain, and Bill Bullock; and Administrative Officer Angela Newell were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.
8:40 Crystal Roascio met to request a variance to receive additional sick leave grants. Meeting closed.
8:50 Reopened. Sandy Conlee and Geospatial Information Systems Coordinator / Fire Warden Tom Kohley were in attendance. Discussed Tuesday’s City Council meeting.
Kohley discussed the NOTEM request for the Red Lodge Airport. Kohley noted he had a trial version of drone mapping software and was looking for a project to test it out on and time was of the essence because of the limited trial time and the limited availability of drone pilots. Bullock noted with current issues going on with the airport he would refrain from putting a different map in the mix. Kohley noted he was not requested to provide the map, but was looking for a project to test out the software. Miller suggested a project at the Bridger Airport and Bridger Road Shop would be less controversial.
9:00 Human Resource Specialist Kate Asbury met to discuss wage scale designations. Asbury noted revisions to Clerk and Admin scales which include ½ steps (or 2.5% increases) at the beginning to note smaller progress benchmarks to start. Discussed revision of Nurse scale to be tied to the Elected Official Base Wage as are other wage scales. Discussed placement of Building Maintenance Coordinator on the Admin scale. Discussed DES Coordinator’s Base wage; Commissioners agreed it would be appropriate to elevate Allen to 100% of the Elected Base Wage to align with other department heads with her level of responsibility. Karas noted significant work done by Allen and how good she is to work with. Bullock moved to approve position wage classifications with the revisions discussed; Blain seconded; motion carried. Bohleen thanked Commissioners for taking care of employees for retention and morale.
Red Lodge City Council Member Terry Durbin joined the meeting to discuss the Joint Airport Board. Durbin presented the motion that she attempted to make at the City Council meeting on Tuesday. Durbin departed.
9:40 Allen and Karas in attendance. Allen noted Fish Wildlife and Parks has put a stop to all rock debris removal and changed their permit for woody debris removal to limit the range equipment can travel in the stream from each access points. Allen noted FEMA believes this will cause more damage to fish habitat by increasing the number of access points and areas where the bank is disturbed.
Allen presented a job description for the Public Information Officer (PIO) position. Bullock thanked Karas for all her time and dedication to building the County’s public information systems through her involvement in the disasters over the last several years. Discussed hiring someone to begin cross-training with Karas for her eventual departure. Discussed FTE level and the role the position may play with other Offices specifically the Sheriff’s Office, Bullock suggested establishing the position as a .5 FTE and budgeting for a part-time overlap to allow for training. The position will be re-agenda for the opportunity for Sheriff to weigh in.
10:00 County Attorney Alex Nixon and Civil Contract Attorney Jacque Papez met for the regular Attorney meeting. Discussed the N. Tuttle Ln Bridge, and the need for additional public access to that area for both road maintenance and emergency access. Discussion about the process to transfer the private bridge to the County; Nixon noted that historically there was heartburn over the County’s use of the bridge without being responsible for maintenance of the bridge. Allen noted the County could apply for a mitigation grant to repair the bridge whether or not the ownership is transferred.
Discussed City’s letter regarding the airport and frustration that the City did not clarify if the Agreement was terminated or what items they are requesting to mediate. Nixon noted Bridger needs to be involved because it is a three-party agreement and the need for the City to propose terms as the County does not need to bargain against itself. Discussed the Coroner’s Inquest last week and the next steps for civil litigation. Depositions of County staff will begin next week. Discussed the need to re-process the Herd District annexation as the Public Hearing required three notices.
11:00 Bullock moved to approve the Memorandum of Understanding between Carbon County and the American Federation of State, City, and Municipal Workers; Blain seconded; motion carried.
11:10 Sanitarian Director Barbara Krizek, Sanitarian Jesse Guiterrez, and Administrator Lori Kane met for the Environmental Health Department’s monthly update. Krizek reviewed the written report (attached). Discussed City’s short-term rentals and contemplation of imposing a cap. Gutierrez noted the Department’s obligation to inspect as requested an inability to monitor the City’s codes. Discussed the potential request for refunds if they can’t get a City license.

11:30 Public Health Director Erin Cross Cross met with Commissioners to discuss Alcohol Tax allocations. Blain moved to allocate 100% of Alcohol Tax funds to the South Central Regional Mental Health Center (MHC) with the understanding that the per-capita payment to MHC would be reduced or eliminated; Bullock seconded; Cross noted he she hopes to start the paperwork for County to be a designated provider to receive alcohol tax by next year; motion carried.
Blain moved to approve the Alcohol Monitoring Systems Inc. – Master Agency Agreement; Bullock seconded; motion carried.
12:00 Adjourned.

Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Officer