June 20, 2016
June 20, 2016
Commissioners Doug Tucker, John Grewell and John Prinkki were present. Angela Newell, Administrative Assistant, was on maternity leave.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance
9:00 David Onstad, Road Superintendent, met with the commissioners to update them on the dust busters control project, the job well done on the Cooney Dam Road chip seal project, and review of applicants for the open equipment operator position. David will have the RFPs for gravel crushing and asphalt supplier posted to the website and to the contractors exchange and also make phone calls to prior vendors; bids will close at 9:00 am on June 30 and then opened at 10:00 am that same day. David also advised the commissioners that the replacement and re-purchase of grader specs and quotes will be upcoming; and the road crews are finishing up mowing but it’s been too dry to grade.
Commissioner Prinkki gave David a heads up on the anticipated East Rosebud Road petition; proper easements will be critical.
David asked the commissioners whether street improvements for unincorporated towns have been considered when funding by CTEP funds or grants or by a special assessment district. He has had experience where those improvements are required as part of the application for funds. David also asked if the commissioners would be interested in establishing a moratorium on road cuts after a major road project such as the West Fork Road in order to eliminate the damage done on a new road. The chip seal on the Cooney Dam Road went well enough to consider other county roads for chip seal this year; it would be part of the road management system David wants to put in place.
Commissioner Tucker moved to approve the Justice Court disbursement report for May; Commissioner Grewell seconded the motion; motion carried.
Commissioner Tucker moved to approve the commissioners’ minutes for June 2, 6 and 9 meetings.
9:30 Josh Juarez, county Sanitarian, and Marcia Henigman, Clerk and Recorder, met with the commissioners regarding a division of land by court order. Two tracts of vacant land were being created in an estate; Josh had taken a look at the layout for potential barriers to development or issues for the county and found no concerns or exceptions. Commissioner Prinkki made note that the order was reviewed and no comments issued.
10:00 Commissioner Grewell moved to accept the Area II Agency on Aging Certification of Match at $18,183.00 for federal and state programs and administration; Commissioner Tucker seconded the motion; motion carried.
10:30 Judy Christensen, Election Administrator, met with the commissioners for the official election canvass of the June 7 Primary Election. Commissioner Tucker moved to accept the canvass as presented; Commissioner Grewell seconded the motion; motion carried.
The commissioners were in receipt of a petition to re-establish the East Rosebud Road from the Sandford Bridge south to the forest service boundary by Mary Ellen Mangus. The petition will be delivered to the county attorney to determine its sufficiency.
11:00 Adjourned
Respectfully submitted: Marcia Henigman, Clerk and Recorder