June 4, 2020

June 4, 2020

Commissioners Scott Blain and Bill Bullock; Administrative Officer Angela Newell; and Commissioners’ Secretary Barbara Daniel were present.

8:30 Pledge of Allegiance

Commissioner Bullock moved to approve Commissioners Proceedings for May 21, 26, and 28 of 2020; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.

9:00 Clerk and Recorder Christine Stovall joined the meeting to discuss delinquent taxes on four (4) properties (including one road tract). Stovall recommended not going through the Tax Deed sale process for 2020 because of unknowns related to the COVID-19 emergency and because the expenses associated with the process may not be recuperated with a sale. Commissioner Bullock moved to approve postponing initiating the tax deed process for the four outstanding properties until 2021; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.

9:30 Red Lodge Mayor Bill Larson joined the meeting for his weekly update. Larson reported that the Resort Tax 3% renewal and 1% additional tax ballot measures both passed this week. Commissioner Bullock reported to Larson that the Stout property at 2-Mile Bridge Road will have flood mitigation done to address present and future flooding of Rock Creek. Commissioner Bullock and Mayor Larson will meet with Beartooth Rally organizers this afternoon to discuss the possibility of holding the Rally while adhering to Governor Bullock’s COVID-19 guidelines. Discussion regarding 4th of July parade preparations and COVID-19 mitigation.

9:45 Robert Mensik of Fox joined the meeting to approach Commissioners about purchasing .7-acre property in Roberts that used to be the dump. Ownership is listed as Town of Roberts and therefore defaults to County ownership. Commissioners will research protocols and procedures for this unique situation.

Discussion regarding recent vacancies on the Roberts Water-Sewer District board. The three board members whose terms expired on May 31, 2020 did not file for re-election (Peter Wisniewski, Keith Thomas, and Mike Gebhardt). Commissioners will post the vacancies for 2 weeks and appoint on June 25th.

10:00 County Attorney Alex Nixon joined the meeting for his weekly update. Meeting closed to discuss litigation strategy.

10:10 Meeting re-opened. Discussion regarding on-going Karina rip-rap project. Nixon is working on a draft amendment to the Resolution addressing large-scale events.

10:30 Cushing Terrell Architects (Nicole Olmstead, Zach Graham, Caleb Minnick), Brent Moore of Interstate Engineering, Rock Creek Basin Water Commissioner PJ Bertolino, departing Floodplain Administrator Annie Gillespie, and Carbon County News Reporter Eleanor Guerrero joined the meeting to discuss pros/cons of contracting floodplain administration. 10:45 Nixon departed the meeting. Moore stated that because Interstate Engineering often represents private landowners, they are not interested in being the contract floodplain administrator, however he does support Cushing Terrell Architects as a temporary solution. Commissioner Bullock voiced that FEMA and the Army Corps of Engineers are not enforcing their regulations, putting a burden on the County. 10:50 All departed the meeting except Bertolino and Moore. Discussion with Bertolino on history of Floodplain Administration in the County; challenges with enforcing regulations due to perceptions that rules are different for agriculture projects; and the financial burden to landowners for correcting floodplain maps.

11:15 Guerrero re-joined the meeting.

11:30 Page Dringman, Sweet Grass Floodplain Administrator since 2003, joined the meeting to discuss contracting Carbon County floodplain administration. Commissioner Blain spoke to the seasonality of floodplain work. Newell provided figures that the current Floodplain Administrator logged 650 hours last year with 20 floodplain applications; Commissioner Blain caveated that Newell’s previous hours figure is higher than what would be anticipated going forward because of Dringman’s knowledge base. Commissioners and Dringman will confer with Sweet Grass Commissioners about exploring how contracting with Sweet Grass County would look. Moore expressed that while he supported Cushing Terrell Architects as a temporary solution, as a long-term solution he recommends having a staff-person combination of Planner and Floodplain Administrator. 11:50 Guerrero and Moore departed the meeting.

Asphalt supply will be re-advertised for bid since no bids were received.

Commissioner Blain signed a lien release for the Clearview Subsequent Minor Subdivision Lot 5 COS 337 2nd AM.

12:00 Adjourned.