June 6, 2016


June 6, 2016

Commissioners Doug Tucker, John Grewell, and John Prinkki were present.  Angela Newell, Administrative Assistant was on maternity leave.

8:30 Pledge of Allegiance

9:00  David Ohnstad was to meet with the commissioners regarding traffic sign management but was out of the state due to a death in the family. Commissioner Tucker moved to postpone discussion of the proposed Method for Traffic Sign Management until June 13; Commissioner Grewell seconded the motion; motion carried.

9:30 Bill Lloyd and Brandon Duffy of Great West Engineering met with the commissioners regarding the Red Lodge Creek Road bridge replacement.  The construction plan and changes to the road per county standards were reviewed; county will do the approach work themselves.  Bill gave the commissioners a Temporary Construction Agreement for a detour bridge and new approach and asked that they present it to the adjacent landowner for signature.  This will be a TSEP funded project of approximately $321,117 with county share of one half less the estimated cost by the county for the approach.  Commissioner Tucker moved to accept the proposed work by the county on the Red Lodge Creek Road bridge project once the necessary flood plain and special permits are granted; Commissioner Grewell seconded the motion; motion carried.

Bill gave the commissioners a heads up regarding possible sponsorship for a CDBG grant for the Roberts Water & Sewer District waste water improvement project.

10:00  Sheriff Josh McQuillan met with the commissioners and presented the Carbon County/City of Joliet Interlocal Agremeent for General Law Enforcement Services for the 2016-2017 fiscal year.  $5,500 was added to the cost of the agreement for an additional computer and licenses.  Commissioner Tucker moved to accept the agreement; Commissioner Grewell seconded the motion; motion carred.

A discussion was held regarding the feasibility of purchasing the Wells Fargo drive-in building for a dispatch center; the commissioners requested that Sheriff McQuillan arrange for the dispatchers to inspect the facility for their consideration and feedback.

10:30  Josh Juarez, Sanitarian, and GIS Mgr Tom Kohley were not available for their monthly meetings with the commissioners.

11:00  Brian Ostwald met with the commissioners regarding the Weed department’s preliminary budget.


11:30  John Grewell moved to donate $500 to the Beartooth Humane Alliance and use of the Edgar Gruel building at the fairgrounds for their annual spay/neuter clinic.

12:00 Adjourned



Respectfully submitted: Marcia Henigman, Clerk and Recorder