March 11, 2021
March 11, 2021
Commissioners Scott Blain, Bill Bullock and Scott Miller; Administrative Officer Angela Newell; and Commissioners’ Secretary Barbara Krizek were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.
Marvin Rodenbec joined the meeting during Public Comment period to observe County business.
Discussion regarding email communication from the Town of Joliet’s attorney requesting a signed resolution for terms of annexing the proposed Detention Facility property.
Commissioner Blain moved to sign the previously approved Resolution 2020-17 Governing Public Health, Safety, and Security for Large Group functions; Commissioner Bullock seconded; discussion regarding correcting a clerical error regarding documentation from July 30, 2020 Commissioner Proceedings in failing to document the 2pm Board of Health meeting (minutes attached) where Resolution 2020-17 was passed but not signed; Commissioner Bullock seconded; motion carried.
Commissioner Blain moved to accept the amended Clerk and Recorder Deposit Reconciliation for February; Commissioner Miller seconded; motion carried.
9:00 Commissioners Blain and Miller departed.
9:30 Red Lodge Mayor Bill Larson joined for his regular meeting. Discussion regarding channel issues on Rock Creek near Two Mile Bridge; Commissioner Bullock is seeking to gather all stakeholders – County, City, Floodplain, and private landowners – to meet to discuss. The Mayor reported discussions with Rural Fire District #7 to have the City annexed for coverage.
10:00 Commissioners Blain and Miller returned. County Attorney Alex Nixon joined for his regular meeting. Discussion regarding Town of Joliet’s attorney email requesting a signed Resolution; Nixon will draft a response that annexation has already been formally approved by the Town with no further action required. Discussion regarding on-going litigation with Industrial Communications. Commissioner Miller reported extensive damage ($2,700) to County signs in his district last weekend from unknown individuals who damaged/stole signs.
11:00 Public Hearing for Updating the Development Regulations. Contract County Planner Forrest Mandeville, Marvin Rodenbec, Howdy Hildebrand (Beartooth Stock Growers), Clerk and Recorder Christine Stovall, and Geospatial Information Systems Coordinator / Fire Warden Tom Kohley in attendance. Commissioner Blain moved to open the Public Hearing; Commissioner Miller seconded; motion carried. Mandeville reported that the last update was in 2016 and outlined the process to adopt. The Planning Board is the Board of Adjustment as required in Montana Code Annotated 76-2-221, and the Planning Board is the Zoning Commission as required in Montana Code Annotated 76-2-220. Language was added regarding Planned Unit Development (PUD); example is The Spires development; Mandeville anticipates an increase in use. Language regarding solar farms and power plants was added; both will require a conditional use permit. Discussion regarding language pertaining to commercial feed lots and commercial kennels. Commissioner Blain asked Hildebrand whether the commercial feed lot language inhibited ranch operations as they’ve stood; Hildebrand replied that with the seasonal use, then no. Commissioner Blain moved to close the Public Hearing; Commissioner Miller seconded; no further discussion or public comment; motion carried. Commissioners directed Mandeville to draft a Resolution of Intent to Adopt and to execute required public noticing.
12:00 Adjourned.