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March 2, 2017


March 2, 2017

Commissioners Doug Tucker, John Grewell, and John Prinkki and Administrative Assistant Angela Newell were present.

8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.

Commissioner Tucker noted he and Commissioner Grewell agreed to have 1.5” minus gravel crushed in the Dykstra pit for the Red Lodge District’s gravel needs; the contract was originally for 1” minus.

Christine Stovall and Macque Bohleen from the elections office met with Commissioners regarding special federal election May 25th. Senate Bill 305 would allow that election to be conducted by mail ballot and would reduce the cost of the election significantly. Representative Seth Berglee is on the House Committee the Bill has been referred to; they would like to invite him to come in to the office to discuss the bill. Commissioners asked if the meeting could be scheduled during their Monday meeting so they could participate.

8:46 Commissioner Grewell moved to approve District Court Fines and Fees Distribution for February 2017; Commissioner Prinkki seconded; motion carried.

Commissioner Grewell move acceptance of Treasurer’s Cash Report for February, 2017; Commissioner Prinkki seconded; motion carried.

9:00 County Attorney Alex Nixon and Civil Deputy County Attorney Jacque Papez met with Commissioners. They are working with the Wyoming Attorney General’s Office regarding an interlocal agreement for fire protection.

9:30 Samantha Long, Ed Coolidge, and Richard Deville from the Historical Society met with Commissioners regarding the Certified Local Government Grant Application for Historic Preservation Officer. Commissioner Prinkki moved to approve grant application; Commissioner Grewell seconded; motion carried.

Samantha noted there have not been many design review requests this year. There was the review for the demolition of the old jail barn for the County and two subdivision reviews one located near Bridger and the other off Highway 78. The Ray School house has been moved to Fromberg and is in the process of being put back together. The Rock Creek Ranger Station up the West Fork has been nominated for national historic register. Ed noted the Historical Society is still in the process of selecting a new director. In the first round of applicants none of the successful candidates was willing to move to the area; the Board thought it was important for the director to be involved in the community. The position has since been re-advertised and they received 8 applicants; they hope to have a new director selected by the end of March.


The Board is focusing on increasing their marketing and starting a capital campaign to restore the 3rd floor to be used as a community space. They asked the Commissioners if the County would be able to provide any financial assistance; Commissioners noted cuts made to the budget this past year and did not feel that additional resources would be available from the county.

10:00 Commissioner Grewell moved to approve meeting minutes for February 9, 23, and 27; Commissioner Prinkki seconded; motion carried.

11:00 Adjourned



Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Assistant