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March 3, 2020

March 3, 2020
Commissioners Robert ‘Pits’ DeArmond, Scott Blain, and Bill Bullock; Angela Newell, Administrative Officer; and Barbara Daniel, Commissioners’ Secretary were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance
Sheriff Josh McQuillian, Law Enforcement intern Davis Kreuzer, Detention Facility Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC) member Jane Swanson-Webb, and Randy Tuhy joined for the Public Comment Period. Swanson-Webb inquired as to whether county-wide Commissioner meetings and CAC meetings should be deconflicted in timing. Commissioners feel that it will be beneficial to have regular commissioner meetings around the County while the CAC continues their detention facility meetings around the County as well. Commissioners feel that the more opportunities, the better, to receive public input. Newell stated that the Commissioners have drafted By-Laws for the CAC that will be approved via Resolution at a future date. 8:45 Swanson-Webb, Kreuzer, McQuillan departed the meeting.
Commissioner Bullock stated that he spoke with Ray Judd about the letter received by Judd regarding his breach of the County’s fuel contract; this was the third violation in three years and the first time a written warning has been issued.
Commissioner Bullock moved to approve the Carbon County District Court Fees Distribution Report from 2/29/2020; Commissioner DeArmond seconded; motion carried.
Commissioner Bullock moved to approve the Report of the County Clerk and Recorder Monthly Deposit Reconciliation for February 2020; Commissioner DeArmond seconded; motion carried.
Commissioner Bullock moved to approve the Carbon County Treasurer Cash Report for February 2020; Commissioner DeArmond seconded; motion carried.
8:55 Tuhy departed the meeting.
9:00 Commissioner Bullock moved to approve Employee Time; Commissioner DeArmond seconded; motion carried.
Commissioner Bullock moved to approve Commissioners’ Proceedings for February 18, 20, and 25; Commissioner DeArmond seconded; motion carried.

9:30 Sanitarian Monthly Update by Cortney Lynde. Lynde has created an updated list of Licensed Establishments for 2020. Septic permit applications are starting to increase in frequency. No real issues have come up. Commissioners commended Lynde for her job performance and completing inspections on schedule. Discussion that Red’s Café in Fromberg is open and serving food but hasn’t had its final pre-opening inspection; Lynde will follow-up.
10:00 Fuel Tax Map Review attended by DES Coordinator / Fire Warden Tom Kohley and Deputy DES Coordinator Annie Gillespie. Discussion regarding the requirements for defining a road as an “Open to Public Travel Route” as defined by Montana Department of Transportation. 10:30 Sanitarian Cortney Lynde and Clerk and Recorder Christine Stovall joined the meeting. Decision to include all private roads with multiple residences that are not gated and don’t have “no trespassing” posted. 10:35 Stovall left the meeting.
10:45 DES Coordinator / Fire Warden Update by Tom Kohley. Kohley discussed DES role with a potential coronavirus outbreak. Commissioners envision DES (Kohley) as being the Incident Commander; Gillespie as Public Information Officer; Lynde as Liason Officer. DES would coordinate logistics, resources (such as personal protective equipment), and timetables so as not to pull medical staff from their care roles. Kohley envisioned a “unified command” with DES, Public Health Officer Dr. George, and Beartooth Hospital citing that the Incident Command System (ICS) allows for multiple entities in a unified command. Kohley scheduled a National Incident Management System (NIMS) training for March 25th but Commissioners feel the timetable needs to be sped up so that the command system can be identified quickly. Kohley stated that the hospital is setting up a Hospital Incident Command System tomorrow. Tomorrow’s LEPC meeting in Joliet will be key to setting up an ICS. Kohley reported that First Responder personal protective equipment is lacking right now. Discussion about pre-approving increased funding for Public Health to cover increased responsibilities/hours above current contract should an outbreak occur.
Kohley asked about renewing the radio tower lease agreement with Clarks Fork Wireless which has since become Tower Internet. The current lease is $100/year. Commissioners agreed other internet providers can piggyback on the site which is located on East Pryor Rd as long as we have the space and power capabilities.

11:20 Brent Moore of Interstate Engineering met to give an update on County projects and to discuss Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) Project Prioritization. Key questions in prioritization were: Is there sufficient funding for all proposed projects, or will sufficient funding be sought through grants or other sources so that projects should remain on the list; Are projects timed appropriately; Should projects be given high/medium/low priority designation. Commissioners decided that in addition to projects already identified, they would like a special section of the CIP to address large projects such as: the proposed detention facility; additional building-related items for the Facility Assessment conducted by Spectrum Architects; Federal Lands Access Program (FLAP) Grant prioritization; and Road and Bridge lumped items. Moore anticipates to deliver the final draft CIP this month and recommends an annual review along with the budgeting process.
12:00 Lunch

2:00 Detention Facility Discussion. In attendance were: Gary Levine with Spectrum Architects; Ken Gallegos with Lombard Conrad Architects; Brent Moore with Interstate Engineering; Sheriff Josh McQuillan; Deputy Sheriff Jeff Schmaltz; County Attorney Alex Nixon; Carbon County News Reporter Eleanor Guerrero; and Citizen Advisory Committee members Pete Critelli and Denise Rivette. Discussion about where to site the facility relative to the property balancing spacing from neighbors versus cost of running water-sewer farther from the source/town. Architects outlined numerous fencing options; Commissioners and McQuillan expressed concern about aesthetics and requested minimal and attractive fencing to ensure the facility doesn’t resemble a prison. Discussion about adjusting the plans by increasing detention staff meeting/office/wellness spaces and attorney meeting spaces and decreasing in-person inmate visitation spaces. 1:45 Nixon departed the meeting. Guerrero inquired if there were a community person who had a communicable disease, could they be quarantined at the facility? Gallegos replied that the facility has negative air pressure rooms for communicable diseases. 2:00 Beartooth RC&D Executive Director Joel Bertolino joined the meeting. 2:15 Justice Court Judge Kevin Nichols joined the meeting and Moore departed the meeting. 2:30 Critelli departed the meeting. “Wish List” adjustments to architect’s plans would add approximately $550k. Commissioner Bullock asked about ways to cut costs. Levine stated that costs increase 5% per year every year we delay construction or put off components of construction. 3:40 Bertolino departed the meeting. Discussion about the Operating Budget; by renting out beds to neighboring counties, Carbon County would expect only a $125,709 increase to annual budget once fully operational. Commissioners want to stick as close to $26M bond as possible to
stay around $43.80/$100k taxable value per year for taxpayers. Commissioners decided to proceed with original plans as presented by architects, without today’s “Wish List” modifications, until actual Bond Premium figures and possible Rural Development grants are known. Interstate Engineering will meet with the Town of Joliet’s engineers next week and determine more accurate site development projected costs.

4:15 Nichols departed the meeting. Commissioner Blain shared that the Sheriff Department’s currently spends $34/voter per year on average to transport its prisoners out of our County to Townsend, Bozeman, Forsyth, and Billings; dollars would be better spent within our County in our own Detention Facility. 4:30 Guerrero departed the meeting. Contingent upon the Stevens’ property annexation, the County will ask the Town of Joliet for an Interlocal Agreement to apply for Rural Development grants on the County’s behalf. Next meeting with architects scheduled for April 2nd, 1pm.

5:00 Adjourned

Respectfully submitted: Barbara Daniel, Commissioners’ Secretary