March 7, 2019

March 7, 2019
Commissioners Robert ‘Pits’ DeArmond, Scott Blain, and Bill Bullock, and Administrative Officer Angela Newell were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioners reviewed fuel tax maps. They believe there are some public roads that have been omitted.
Commissioner Bullock moved to approve Commissioners’ proceedings for February 15 and 21, 2019; Commissioner DeArmond seconded; motion carried.
Commissioners discussed the Opportunity Zone and helping court investors. Beartooth RC&D has had some inquiries about building housing facilities adjacent to the City of Red Lodge. They have also been in contact with the owner of the old hospital on White Ave in Red Lodge about possible projects that would qualify.
Red Lodge Mayor Bill Larson met with Commissioners to request their assistance with frozen water lines in the City of Red Lodge. DES Coord. / GIS Mgr. Tom Kohley participated via phone. He noted he had some discussions with Public Works Director Jim Bushnell. Commissioners and Tom are not sure what kind of assistance the City is requesting. Commissioner Bullock and Tom will participate in a meeting with the City at 11:00 to determine what the City needs.
10:00 County Attorney Alex Nixon, Deputy County Attorney Shannon Foley, and Contract Civil Attorney Jacque Papez met with Commissioners regarding County business. Sheriff Josh McQuillan and Under Sheriff Jeff Schmalz were present for a discussion on prisoner transports. Sheriff McQuillan and Red Lodge Police Chief Wells met and came to an agreement on how to facilitate prisoner transports; there is an understanding that City Officers will be responsible for detaining prisoners until transport is available. Sheriff McQuillan also noted he plans to restrict after hours Court House access to only County officers. Sheriff McQuillan impressed upon the Chief that the County will work with the City to transport prisoners as long as the City does not abuse the assistance. Commissioner Bullock noted Broadwater Co. may be willing to assist in transports if we house inmates there; Sheriff McQuillan will inquire with the Sheriff.
10:30 Forest Service District Ranger Ken Coffin met with Commissioners regarding Forest Service update. Brent Moore was present to discuss Federal Lands Access Program (FLAP) grant application. Ken noted they are in the 4th year of the process to revise the Forest Plan. He noted there will be a public meeting to review the 5 alternatives for the Plan on April 11th. Ken noted the agency is focused on fuels reduction and timber harvesting. He noted they have spent quite a bit of time evaluating Red Lodge Mountain for fuels reduction projects to protect the Mountain’s infrastructure from forest fires.
10:55 Commissioner Bullock stepped out to meet with the City of Red Lodge regarding their water issue.
Ken thanked the County for maintenance on E. Rosebud Road. He also noted the Forest Service is trying to create more local hiking loops including a loop from the Red Lodge Mountain to Red Lodge Creek and one from Nichols Creek to Clear Creek. Ken also discussed fire-fighting; he noted the Agency is trying to focus on reducing costs and using resources in the most effective way possible. This philosophy includes letting fire do its job on the landscape when life and property are not in jeopardy.
Brent discussed E Side Road Bridge replacements. Looking at funding options including FLAP. Brent noted there may be an opportunity to tie an E. Side Road maintenance project into bridge projects. The Forest Services does not believe there will be a call for FLAP projects until 2020. Ken also noted E. Rosebud could be another candidate for FLAP. Brent and Commissioners discussed quotes for Hydraulics and Hydrology studies for FEMA projects. Commissioners would like the engineer to discuss the scope with FEMA as
12:00 Board of Health meeting. Dr. Bill George, Tobacco Prevention Specialist Jean Atherly, Sanitarian Assistant Lori Kane, Sanitarian in Training Cortney Lynde, Dick Nolan, Becky Frank, Beartooth Billings Clinic’s Brandy Mains, County Attorney Alex Nixon, Public Health Nurse Roberta Cady, Sheriff Josh McQuillan, Mental Health Center’s Barb Mettler, Red Lodge Community Foundation’s Therese Picasso-Edwards Public Health Emergency Preparedness Coordinator Jason Mahoney, and Sheila Boggio were present. Ashley Flammond PE with Water & Environmental Technologies and Tim Shea were also present. Dr. George moved to approve minutes from the November 1, 2018 Board of Health Meeting; Dick seconded; motion carried.

1:30 Adjourned