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March 9, 2017


March 9, 2017

Commissioners Doug Tucker, John Grewell, and John Prinkki and Administrative Assistant Angela Newell were present.

8:30 Pledge of Allegiance

Red Lodge Rural Fire District Chief Tom Kuntz met with Commissioners regarding Remington Ranch Subdivision fire protection. DES Coord. / GIS Mgr. Tom Kohley was present. The Subdivision’s home owner’s association would like to change their covenants to remove the provision requiring homes to be sprinkled. To this end, the HOA has passed and filed a resolution (document #367447) allowing all residents of Remington Ranch to use the fire suppression pond in the Grandview South Subdivision to provide water for fire suppression. The Fire District is concerned the resolution does not provide for maintenance and operation standards for the shared water pond. Tom Kuntz recommends the County require the subdivision to install a properly engineered dry hydrant or other water source to remove the sprinkling provision in the covenants. He expressed concerns about providing fire suppression in the subdivision relying on water tankers because of the density in the subdivision; without onsite water, it would be difficult to prevent a fire from spreading from house to house.

Tom Kuntz also discussed HB 481 which would authorize the County to send resources to battle fires within the County including on public land and would require that cost be billed to the responsible agency. Tom’s concern is the Bill in its current form would dismantle the current cooperative program with the DNRC. Tom asked the Commissioners to contact legislators to oppose the bill. It is opposed by both the State Fire Chief’s Association and Fire District Association.

9:00 Commissioner Tucker left meeting for another appointment.

9:00 Civil Deputy Attorney Jacque Papez. Contract Planner Monica Plecker called regarding Vista Lane and a parcel that was created between road and lots; the adjoining landowners would like the section between their lots and Vista Lane so they have legal access to their property. Jacque believes the County can do aggregation of lots to give to neighboring landowners sections of the parcel without having to go through subdivision review.

9:10 Meeting closed to discuss a personnel issue.

9:15 County Attorney Alex Nixon joined the meeting.

9:20 Meeting reopened. Residents along the East Rosebud Road will be circulating a new petition that removes language stating the road has been a County road since the 1920s. Once the petition is received a new public hearing can be scheduled.            


9:24 Architect Susan Hoovde and Sheriff Josh McQuillan met with Commissioners regarding the remodel of the old jail. Commissioner Prinkki moved to accept asbestos and lead based paint evaluation proposal from Northern Industrial Hygiene; Commissioner Grewell seconded; motion carried. Susan presented plans for jail remodel and addition of the sally port. Her current project estimate is $250,000 but she still needs to determine what portion of the electrical work for dispatch needs to be done by the contractor and what is included in the County’s contract with Industrial Communications and Electronics. Commissioners requested the sally port be bid as an additive alternative as the project is over budget.

10:0 Commissioner Grewell moved approval of the Clerk and Recorder’s Monthly Deposit Reconciliation for February, 2017; Commissioner Prinkki seconded; motion carried.

Commissioner Prinkki moved to approve budget line item transfer requests from Sheriff Mcquillan moving $14,685 from Transportation Equipment (944) to Motor Vehicle Parts for cameras installed in existing vehicles and $4,995.00 from Office Supplies (210) and $25.00 from Shipping (312) to Office Machinery and Equipment (947) for the interview room camera that should have been budgeted as a capital expenditure; Commissioner Grewell seconded; motion carried.

12:00 Adjourned


Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Assistant