March 9, 2021

March 9, 2021

Commissioners Scott Blain, Bill Bullock and Scott Miller; Administrative Officer Angela Newell; and Commissioners’ Secretary Barbara Krizek were present.

8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.

Commissioner Bullock will coordinate a meeting with County Attorney Alex Nixon, David Lehnherr, and Commissioners regarding Lehnherr’s legal complaint regarding wanting snow plowing on Meeteetse Road (a Priority 3 designated road at the point of complaint).

The County may be slated to receive approximately $2M for fiscal years 2022 and 2023 through State and Local Coronavirus Fiscal Recovery Funds legislation, part of the American Rescue Plan Act for COVID-19. Discussion on best avenue for allocation.

9:00 Commissioner Blain moved to approve the Cooperative Agreement between Montana Department of Health and Human Services and the County Board of Health for Sanitarian services; Commissioner Miller seconded; motion carried.

Commissioners received in the mail from the Custer Gallatin National Forest a Record of Decision (ROD) regarding the Greater Red Lodge Area Vegetation and Habitat Management Project which aims to reduce hazardous fuels, maintain and improve resiliency of forest vegetation and grasslands, enhance aspen habitat, and improve water quality. The ROD includes up to 807 acres of commercial and 325 acres of non-commercial treatments in the Red Lodge Creek area, and up to 244 acres of commercial and 431 acres of non-commercial treatments in the Willow-Nichols Creek area.

Newell detailed new legislation regarding Health Savings Accounts and Flexible Spending Accounts; she will communicate changes to all employees.

10:00 MACo Health Care Trust renewal meeting given by Pam Walling and attended by Heather Cope (HUB Insurance), Sheriff Deputy Jeff Schmalz, Election Administrator Macque Bohleen, and County Attorney’s Office Secretary Judy Prinkki. Insurance rates for County reduced by 2.9% due to favorable claims history. Discussion regarding health care plan options. Commissioner Blain moved to amend employee health plan offerings by eliminating the HD4000 plan and replacing it with the HD3000 plan while retaining all other prior fiscal year plans; Commissioner Miller seconded; motion carried. All other employee pre-requisites and offerings will remain unchanged.

Commissioner Blain moved to approve Commissioner Proceedings for February 18, February 23, and March 2; Commissioner Miller seconded; motion carried.

11:00 Airport Board Meeting attended by Commissioners Scott Blain, Bill Bullock and Scott Miller; additional Board members Merrill Pfeifer (Bridger), Mark DeRudder (Bridger), Gary Herem (Red Lodge), and Steve Smith (Red Lodge); Administrative Officer Angela Newell; Commissioners’ Secretary Barbara Krizek; Red Lodge Airport Manager Jeff Wise; Red Lodge hangar owners Andrew Teetzel, Bob Lindeke, and Bill Morean; and prospective hangar owner Lance Brill. Smith moved to approve minutes from January 12, 2021 (attached); Commissioner Bullock seconded; motion carried.

12:40 Adjourned.