March 12, 2020

March 12, 2020
Commissioners Robert ‘Pits’ DeArmond, Scott Blain, and Bill Bullock; Administrative Officer Angela Newell; and Commissioners’ Secretary Barbara Daniel were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance
Clerk and Recorder Christine Stovall approached Commissioners to request a schedule change in her department. Commissioners approved the change of work schedule for Deputy Clerk and Recorder Lola Ashby from Mon-Thurs 7am-5:30pm to Mon-Fri 8:30 am-5:30pm.
8:35 Meeting closed to discuss personnel issue.
8:40 Meeting re-opened.
Commissioner Bullock reported that CODAN will return to conduct a survey to produce radio coverage maps; he recommended looking to PacifiCorp for a potential tower site cooperative for a tower of its own or on a co-located on a windmill site.
8:45 DES Coordinator Tom Kohley approached Commissioners regarding upcoming grant applications. Grants requiring match will be put on a future agenda to meet public notice requirements. Discussion regarding a purchase request for the Bridger tower site.
Commissioner Bullock reported attending a Roberts Hwy 212 Improvement & Safety Committee (RISC) meeting last night and re-iterated what was said at the previous Commissioner meeting. Commissioners will reach out to Rod Nelson, Montana Department of Transportation Billings Division Director, to see what can be done at this late point.
Newell noted some documents pertaining to the Roberts Water-Sewer District were located in the Department of Revenue office. Those documents will be delivered to the Clerk and Recorder for storage and for review by Marco LaRowe.
Brent Moore of Interstate Engineering joined the meeting to update Commissioners on the Pryor Mountain Road Bridge Improvement Project set to commence next week. Moore updated Commissioners on the Joliet water-sewer system as it pertained to potential Detention Facility projected needs.

9:00 Commissioner Bullock moved to approve Resolution 2020-09 Wind Impact Fee Use Plan; Commissioner DeArmond seconded; motion carried.
9:30 City of Red Lodge regular meeting. City Council President Dave Westwood attended and reported that the Council passed the Resort Tax ballot language. Discussion regarding the COVID-19 Continuity of Government Plan.
Discussion regarding gravel crushing contract and April 1st deadline. It is unlikely that the contracted crusher will finalize the Tucker Pit prior to this date. Commissioners will consult with Contract Deputy County Attorney Jacque Papez if they would like to terminate the contract and enforce liquidated damages.
10:00 County Attorney regular meeting. County Attorney Alex Nixon attended and discussed a personnel matter. 10:10 Election Administrator Macque Bohleen, Clerk and Recorder Christine Stovall, and Westwood joined the meeting to discuss the City’s Resort Tax ballot measure and the language specificity needed for the separate 3% and 1% issues. 10:30 Westwood departed the meeting. Nixon stated that the County Attorney’s role is solely to review the City’s language for ambiguity and sufficiency. Bohleen is on-hold until the County receives a revised executed copy with amended language from the City. 10:45 City Attorney Rebecca Narmore joined the meeting with Red Lodge Community Development Director James Caniglia to discuss the Resort Tax ballot language.
Commissioner Bullock moved to approve Resolution 2020-08 Changing March 19th meeting to 6pm at Belfry School; Commissioner DeArmond seconded; motion carried.
11:00 DES Coordinator Tom Kohley joined the meeting to finalize state fuel tax maps as a continuation of discussion from the March 3rd meeting. Commissioner Bullock moved to approve the amended Fuel Tax Maps; Commissioner DeArmond seconded; motion carried.
Commissioners contemplated the pros and cons of hiring a Road Superintendent to manage all three road districts; will re-visit at the end of April approaching the budgeting process.
12:10 Adjourned

Respectfully submitted: Barbara Daniel, Commissioners’ Secretary