May 11, 2021
May 11, 2021
Commissioners Scott Blain, Bill Bullock and Scott Miller; Administrative Officer Angela Newell; Bridger Road Foreman Sam Kallevig and Joliet Road Foreman Jerrid Bergum; and Commissioners’ Secretary Barbara Krizek were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioner Miller moved to accept the Clerk and Recorder Monthly Deposit Reconciliation for April; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.
9:00 Road Crew interview with Ryan Donnelly.
Commissioner Miller moved to approve Commissioner Proceedings for April 15; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.
9:30 Road Crew interview with James Davison.
10:00 Road Crew interview with Brent Boggio.
Commissioner Blain moved to approve Employee Time; Commissioner Miller seconded; motion carried.
11:00 Road Crew interview with Phil Nardinger.
Discussion regarding COVID-19 federal American Recovery Plan Act funds and how to allocate the County’s $2M share.
11:30 Detention Facility Discussion attended by Clerk and Recorder Christine Stovall, Deputy Clerk and Recorder Crystal Roascio, and Billings Gazette Phoebe Tollefson. Commissioner Miller moved to approve 2021-09 Resolution Calling for an Election on the Question of the Detention Facility Construction Bond; Commissioner Blain seconded; Commissioner Blain stated he had no further discussion after 2 years of discussion; Commissioner Miller noted much research and work has been done and believes it will be good for the County; no public comment; motion carried. Commissioner Blain moved to approve 2021-10 Resolution Calling for an Election on the Question of Establishing a Detention Facility Operating Levy; Commissioner Blain seconded; no public comment; motion carried.
Discussion regarding amending the Request for Proposals for Public Health Services; Newell will draft an addendum to include language allowing a person with a Master’s Degree in Public Health, or a person with equivalent education and experience as determined by the department, to be the Public Health Officer.
12:00 Adjourned for lunch.
1:00 Commissioners’ work session. Personnel policy revisions attended by Sheriff Josh McQuillan, Justice Court Judge Kevin Nichols, Justice Court Clerk Callie Allen, Weed Coordinator Brian Ostwald, Head Janitor Rick Martin, and Deputy District Court Clerk Jenny Dravetsky. Commissioner Bullock expressed that he would like to see consistency across departments. Revisions to be incorporated include: McQuillan extending probation period for Dispatchers to a period of one year; Nichols would like to retain hours of work flexibility for his staff to accommodate serving public over the lunch hour; Stovall would like to retain language about 10-hour, 4-day work-week; Newell will remove language referencing Commissioners being part of the Grievance Policy; use of sick leave is only applicable during the employee’s scheduled work day; clarifying computation methodology for Longevity pay; administering overtime and nonexempt compensatory time; and adding language to address bullying. Discussion regarding protocol for suspected abuse of sick leave.
1:40 Commissioner Bullock departed the meeting.
2:30 Road crew interview with Christopher DuBose.
3:00 Road Crew interview with Anthony Clark.
3:30 Road Crew interview with Todd Nevin.
4:00 Road Crew interview with Brian Hanna.
4:50 Adjourned.