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May 12, 2020

May 12, 2020

Commissioners Scott Blain and Bill Bullock; Administrative Officer Angela Newell; Commissioners’ Secretary Barbara Daniel; and Beartooth Realty Leza Vargas were present.

8:30 Pledge of Allegiance

Department of Commerce and Engineering West are having a meeting tomorrow regarding the Roberts Water-Sewer Project; Newell will need to initiate a budget amendment for receipt of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds that will be used in conjunction with a Rural Development loan to finance the project.

8:50 Gordon Sirrine joined the meeting.

Commissioner Bullock and Angela Newell discussed the contracted planning services being conducted by Forrest Mandeville; they are very pleased with his services and the fact that he always delivers quality work and under-budget.

The Fair Board has a caretaker position which is currently being advertised internally. Dispatch had a recent resignation; Commissioners approved the Sheriff filling the position through the already established hiring pool.

Discussed available funding to move an irrigation ditch on East Pryor Road.

Commissioner Blain reported that the Karina rip-rapping project has been started since the engineering plan and county floodplain permitting processes have been followed and completed.

Commissioners will request a status update and tour of the Pryor Mountain Wind Farm project.

Commissioners do not anticipate crushing enough gravel this coming fiscal year to require a bid.

Commissioner Blain will send an email to the Department of Commerce requesting an extension for the TSEP Planning Grant. Newell anticipates the completion of the Capital Improvement Plan in August with the final budget.

10:30 Vargas departed the meeting.

11:30 Disaster and Emergency Preparedness Coordinator / Fire Warden Tom Kohley joined the meeting to discuss the Rural Fire Capacity Grant Program (formerly Volunteer Firefighter Assistance Grant). Last year’s grant (approx. $6k) funded a dozen fire shelters but the needs were not fully met, so he will request more shelters with this year’s grant. Match is 10% and the county invoices the fire districts. Commissioner Bullock moved to approve the Rural Fire Capacity Grant application; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.
Commissioners requested side-dump trailer if Kohley can find one via the surplus program.

Discussion regarding summer fire season. Regarding COVID-19, Federal response aid may be delayed due to potential quarantine requirements imposed on out-of-state resources coming in. Kohley will be meeting with Red Lodge Mountain in the coming weeks regarding fire suppression this summer.

The Sheriff’s office received a grant for Computer-Aided Dispatch; Newell will explore lease financing options. Kohley reported that the county’s grant application for a flood response trailer was not selected for funding.

Kohley and Commissioners discussed the COVID-19 Incident Management Team and County Health Officer, Bill George MD, appreciating his thoughtful responses and balanced approaches to the issues and mitigation.

12:10 Adjourned

Respectfully submitted: Barbara Daniel, Commissioners’ Secretary