May 13, 2021
May 13, 2021
Commissioners Scott Blain, Bill Bullock and Scott Miller; Administrative Officer Angela Newell; Bridger Road Foreman Sam Kallevig; and Commissioners’ Secretary Barbara Krizek were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioners attended a public information meeting hosted by the Detention Facility Citizen Committee last evening held at the Bridger Civic Center. In attendance were: Committee members Hal Lewis, Denise Rivette, Jane Swanson Webb, Pete Critelli, and Gary Morseman; Spectrum Architects Gary Levine and Kathleen Armstrong; Hulteng CCM Shane Swandal and Carla Morgan; Sheriff Josh McQuillan; Administrative Officer Angela Newell; Commissioners’ Secretary Barbara Krizek; Deputy Clerk and Recorder Lola Ashby; John Garolfalo; Harley Sorrells; Mike Buechler; Rhonda Buechler; Gary Morseman; Judy Morseman; Pat Plowman; Anne Jarshaw; Randy Tuhy; John Francis; Ron Kapor; Bert Kraft; Gary Knopp; and Dan Johnson. A panel presentation was given covering topics such as: the decades-long history regarding detention issues, transportation challenges to other counties with facilities, the nature of the crimes being committed and the warrants outstanding, the public safety challenges facing judges with few options for imposing detention on offenders, and construction and operating budgets. A public question and answer session concluded the meeting.
Robin Adams of Beartooth Front Community Forum joined during the Public Comment period to announce a webinar being hosted tonight on “Impacts of Growth” covering growth trends, impacts on infrastructure, housing, and water. Commissioner Bullock recounted a recent conversation with the Red Lodge Superintendent of Schools John Fitzgerald regarding possible COVID-19 Recovery Act funding from the Office on Public Instruction for workforce housing for teachers; the ability for new teachers to come to the community to find affordable housing is limited due to challenging market conditions. Discussion regarding potentially recouping Detention Facility land purchase and land development costs by selling property, or potentially building workforce housing for Detention Facility staff.
9:00 Road Crew interview with Doug Tucker; 9:30 Kallevig departed.
9:30 Red Lodge Mayor Bill Larson joined for his regular update. The Rock Creek channel issue near Two Mile Bridge is nearing resolution. Commissioner Bullock detailed the dust control application schedule. Mayor Larson was invited to a COVID-19 Incident Management Team exercise and debrief on Monday, May 17.
Discussion regarding the Road Crew hiring pool.
10:00 County Attorney Alex Nixon joined the meeting to discuss on-going litigation. No significant developments.
10:30 Mutual Aid Agreements with Big Horn County. In attendance: Sheriff Josh McQuillan, Geospatial Information Systems Coordinator / Fire Warden Tom Kohley, Disaster and Emergency Services (DES) Coordinator Cyrina Allen, Big Horn County Emergency Management Coordinator LaRae Dobbs, Big Horn County Sheriff Ken Blackburn. Dobbs detailed history that mutual aid has already been taking place via hand-shake agreements and today’s proceedings will render them official. Commissioner Blain moved to approve the Interstate Law Enforcement Services Mutual Aid Agreement with Big Horn County; Commissioner Miller seconded; no public comment; no discussion; motion carried. Commissioner Blain moved to approve the Interstate Emergency Services Mutual Aid Agreement with Big Horn County Fire Protection District No 1; Commissioner Miller seconded; no public comment; no discussion; motion carried. Discussion regarding the prospect for having a mutual aid agreement for emergency medical services; Dobbs will coordinate with Allen. To follow, Kohley will like to see law enforcement and fire mutual-aid agreements with Park County; Big Horn County will facilitate introductions.
11:00 District Court schedule change request. Deputy District Court Clerk Jenny Dravetsky attending. Dravetsky sought clarification regarding District Court personnel work schedules, especially as pertaining to flexing lunch breaks in light of Tuesday’s Personnel Policy discussion. Commissioner Blain moved to allow the District Court office to flex work hours as necessary to accommodate the needs of the office and that no permanent schedule changes need to be implemented; Commissioner Bullock seconded; motion carried.
11:30 County radio system update attended by Sheriff Josh McQuillan, Under-Sheriff Jeff Schmalz, Disaster and Emergency Services (DES) Coordinator Cyrina Allen, Geospatial Information Systems Coordinator / Fire Warden Tom Kohley, and Deputy Kelly Carrington. The Radio Committee met yesterday which was attended by Tom Dunne of Dunne Communications who is the contractor for repairing and optimizing the radio system. Dunne expects the Rock Creek Tower to be completed in a month. Allen is creating a tracking process/system for County radio users to report failures in coverage or hardware. Carrington voiced his frustration regarding protocols for Road Crew radios and his role as a contractor to assist the Road Department with radio programming. Allen will be the point of contact for all radio issues and will develop a radio protocol to be circulated to all County radio user entities; this will hopefully address Carrington’s frustrations.
12:15 Adjourned.