May 16, 2019

May 16, 2019
Commissioners Robert ‘Pits’ DeArmond, Scott Blain, and Bill Bullock, and Administrative Officer Angela Newell were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.
Clerk and Recorder Christine Stovall met with Commissioners to discuss the potential new position in her office. She is looking at the possibility of the new position taking on Payroll, human resources, and Commissioner office functions as backup to Angela. Crystal is interested in becoming a Deputy and possibly running for Clerk and Recorder in the future. Christine and her senior deputy Lola Ashby both plan to retire in the next 4 years. She would like to start training Crystal as a deputy for continuity in the office.
8:50 John Prinkki met with Commissioners regarding the Sage Grouse Advisory Meeting for the Wind Farm. Commissioner Blain noted the 2014 project boundary was grandfathered in.
9:00 Commissioner Blain opened the Public Hearing regarding a Permissive Mill Levy for Health Insurance increases in excess of the base year. Prinkki asked if it would be replacing mills or additional. Commissioners noted would be additional mills. Commissioner noted the Compensation Board’s recommendation was reduced to off set insurance increase. Commissioners noted their intention is to use the aggregate mill levy amount that will be relieved by the implementation of the Permissive Mill to fund future capital improvements though a general fund transfer to a Capital Improvement Fund. 9:15 Commissioner Blain closed the Public Hearing. Commissioner DeArmond moved to approve Resolution 2019-06 to Implement a Permissive Mill Levy for Health Insurance; Commissioner Bullock seconded; motion carried.
Commissioner Bullock moved to approve Commissioner Proceedings for April 22; Commissioner DeArmond seconded; motion carried.
9:30 Cortney Lynde Sanitarian in Training met with Commissioners for her preliminary budget. Discussed additional costs for training and travel and the addition of a transfer to capital line to replace her County vehicle in the future.
11:00 Pam Schwend, Rick Martin, Lola Ashby, Tom Kohley, Cortney Lynde, Lori Lynde met with Commissioners for the Safety Committee Meeting.
12:00 Lunch

1:10 Casey Collings the representative from Greg Ginaforte’s Office met with Commissioners. He noted the Legislature has allowed for a 1% increase for Resort Tax to pay for infrastructure. Commissioner Bullock asked about the event with the Friends of East Rosebud regarding the Wild and Scenic designation; it will be on May 31st. Commissioners discussed the new highway opening; they noted frustrations that the full four lanes will not be built out for a number of years. Casey also noted the Legislatures’ implementation of Savannah’s Act to help fix federal databases for missing indigenous women and to help cut through bureaucratic delays to increase reaction time when someone is reported missing. The Act also provides guidelines for law enforcement when dealing with these issues. He noted local Entitlement funds did not get robbed to pay for the Public Defenders’ office. But the Legislature is Looking at ways to restructure the office to help reduce costs. Casey also discussed the Public Access bill that will provide for a program similar to block management for Public Land access. Casey also noted that Google had written a letter to the Rocky Mountain Elk foundation prohibiting the organization from advertising on Google because of “animal cruelty” concerns. Congressman Ginaforte wrote a letter and google rescinded their decision.
