NOTICE: NEW BURN PERMIT SYSTEM - Purchase a 2025 burn permit starting Jan 1

May 18, 2021

May 18, 2021

Commissioners Scott Blain, Bill Bullock and Scott Miller; Administrative Officer Angela Newell; and Commissioners’ Secretary Barbara Krizek were present.

8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.

Commissioner Miller moved to accept the Justice Court End of Period Disbursement for April; Commissioner Bullock seconded; motion carried.

Airport Board member Steve Smith joined during Public Comment Period to request having an informational meeting with stakeholders and Robert Peccia & Associates (RPA) who was selected earlier this month as the consultant for the Red Lodge airport; meeting scheduled for June 29, 2pm.

9:00 Election Canvasses for May 4, 2021 presented by Election Administrator Macque Bohleen; Deputy Clerk Crystal Roascio in attendance. Commissioners reviewed election returns for Red Lodge School District #1 Trustees, the Red Lodge Fire District #7 levy, and 2021 Fire District elections. Commissioner Blain moved to accept the canvasses as presented; Commissioner Miller seconded; motion carried.
Discussion regarding the $2M in COVID-19 American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds expected to be received and how best to allocate those funds internally and throughout the County.

Road Crew interviews and reference checks have been completed; Commissioner Miller will initiate conditional offers to the two top candidates and the rest will be retained in the hiring pool for one year.

Commissioner Blain moved to approve the Memorandum of Understanding with the Road Union regarding Probationary Period and Pay; Commissioner Miller seconded; motion carried.

Commissioner Miller moved to approve Commissioner Proceedings for April 20, 22, and 27; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.
11:00 Justice Court Preliminary Budget discussed with Justice of the Peace Kevin Nichols. He would like to add $2k/year to a capital fund for a future copier replacement. He advocated for a pay raise for his senior clerk Callie Allen to 82% of elected official base salary by creating a Head Clerk job description with additional duties as Pro Tem. Discussion regarding statute for Pro Tem functions; Newell provided Attorney General opinions stating that the Pro Tem cannot be a Clerk as a first option, but rather must follow protocol of first attempting to find another Justice of the Peace or City Judge in the event Nichols is unable to preside; will seek County Attorney opinion. 11:25 Meeting closed to discuss a personnel issue; 11:30 meeting re-opened. Commissioners preliminarily approved a raise for Allen to 78% of elected official base salary based on the revised job description presented.

12:00 Adjourned for lunch.

1:00 Commissioners’ work session. DIS Technologies conducted a walk-through to discuss and determine security camera needs in the Administration Building.

1:30 Carbon County News editor Alastair Baker joined; discussion regarding proposed Detention Facility; 2:00 Baker departed.

Resumed earlier discussion on the $2M in ARPA funds. Commissioners plan to retain $1M for internal County needs and provide $1M in funds for entities within the County to apply for grants. Commissioners worked with Newell to create guidelines for grant application procedure and grading/granting.

2:45 Adjourned.