May 19, 2020

May 19, 2020

Commissioners Scott Blain and Bill Bullock; Administrative Officer Angela Newell; Commissioners’ Secretary Barbara Daniel; and Gordon Sirrine were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance
Commissioner Bullock reported on the Fair Board meeting last night; the Board is still trying to pursue holding the County Fair this year despite COVID-19’s effects on producers and Governor Bullock’s restrictions during phased re-opening.
Commissioner Bullock reported on the Roberts Water-Sewer Board meeting last night; Newell will include CDBG funds of $54k in a June budget amendment for the current fiscal year.
Commissioner Blain, Newell, and Daniel will tour the Pryor Mountain Wind Farm Project tomorrow. An item for discussion will be that they must develop a current Weed Management Plan.
9:00 Sheriff Josh McQuillan and Cooney State Park Manager Marina Yoshioka joined the meeting to discuss the Cooney State Park Law Enforcement Services Agreement. Commissioner Bullock moved to approve Montana Fish Wildlife & Parks Agreement #P20038; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried. Yoshioka updated Commissioners on current budgetary constraints at Cooney State Park; there are no dust control funds remaining for this fiscal year.
Newell detailed options to address Sara Mahoney of Edgar Sewer & Lighting District’s inquiry regarding paying Doug Tucker for his services. After discussing the pros and cons of various payment options presented, Commissioners Bullock and Blain supported the option requiring Tucker to obtain an Independent Contractor’s license with Workers’ Compensation coverage.
9:30 Commissioner Bullock moved to rescind the Resolution of Intent to Hold the August 4th Bond Election; Commissioner Blain seconded; Commissioner Blain noted that Commissioner Bullock had indeed been in favor of the original Resolution; motion carried.
Commissioner Bullock reported that Montana Motor Vehicle Division’s return to the Administration Building yesterday went smoothly; MVD has taken measures to ensure COVID-19 social distancing.
Commissioner Bullock moved to approve Commissioners’ Proceedings for April 28th and 30th; May 5th, 7th, and 12th. Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.
Commissioner Bullock moved to approve the Pryor Mountain Wind Farm Project Annual Report; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.
10:00 Election Administrator Macque Bohleen and Treasurer Lori Lynde presented the Special Purpose District Elections Canvas. For the Belfry Carbon County Water & Sewer District Election, Randall Black, Jolene Nose and Edward Christman were all elected to the board. Fire District board positions in District #2, #3, #7, and #8 need to be filled. Bohleen submitted the Federal Primary election judges to be certified for the June 2nd Absentee Counting Board and the June 11th Post-Election Audit Board Certification. Commissioner Bullock moved to accept the Special Purpose District Elections Canvas for the Belfry Carbon County Water & Sewer District and the Fire District Elections and the Judges Certifications for June 2nd and June 11th; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried. Bohleen reported that of 7,300 ballots sent, she received three calls about incomplete materials; the issues have been rectified. Voters with incomplete materials should contact Bohleen to resolve.
10:20 Carbon County News Reporter Eleanor Guerrero joined the meeting via tele-conference for an update on today’s agenda issues. She departed at 10:30.
11:00 Commissioner Bullock moved to approve the Bank of Red Lodge Lease Agreement for the Computer Aided Dispatch; Commissioner Blain seconded; Newell detailed the payment schedule and noted with half the project receiving grant funding the additional cash can be used to pay down the lease early. Commissioner Bullock re-iterated its necessity to the Sheriffs department. No public comment. Motion carried.
11:15 Sirrine departed the meeting.

12:00 Adjourned