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May 21, 2020

May 21, 2020

Commissioners Scott Blain and Bill Bullock; Administrative Officer Angela Newell; and Commissioners’ Secretary Barbara Daniel were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance
Contract County Planner Forrest Mandeville (via tele-conference) and Dan Burmeister attended the Public Comment period to discuss the Joliet Growth and Master Plan and water-sewer considerations for Burmeister’s proposed 100+ lot subdivision in Joliet. 8:35 Gordon Sirrine joined the meeting. Mandeville stated that getting Commissioners to approve a subdivision is pre-mature at this point; the processes as outlined by State Law need to take place. Burmeister clarified that he wanted to discuss the proposed County Detention Center water-sewer requirements and plans for the area to determine if common goals could be met. Commissioner Bullock recommended that Burmeister conduct his inquiries through the standard County Planning Board process as the Board of Commissioners is the final, not initial, step in subdivision approval. Mandeville recommended that Burmeister not approach and speak to individuals on the County Planning Board, but should rather address the Board as a whole in a public meeting, so that individual members won’t need to recuse themselves from official voting. Commissioners also noted master planning in relation to the Town of Joliet should be addressed with the Town Council.
Commissioner Bullock moved to appoint Greg Nelson to the Edgar Sewer and Lighting Board to fill the vacancy left by Mike Buechler; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.
Commissioner Bullock moved to approve the new Fair Groundkeeper job description. Newell clarified that the new job description removed 24/7 coverage and rentals paperwork; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.
9:00 Motor grader bid opening. Kraig Pester of Tractor and Equipment Co and Matthew Eaton of RDO Equipment Company joined the meeting. Bids were received as follows:
• Tractor and Equipment: New 2019 160M3AWD for $376,800; trade-in $60,800; total cost to County $316,000. Includes rear-ripper and postless snow wing; V-Plow would be extra $11,900.
• RDO: New 2020 872G (Joystick) for $336,500; trade-in $50,000; total cost to County $286,500. All options are an additional cost: John Deere rear-ripper for $13,500; Capital snow wing for $25,000; Falls V-Plow for $9,000.
• RDO: New 2020 872G (Antler Rack) for $321,500; trade-in $50,000; total cost to County $271,500. All options are an additional cost: John Deere rear-ripper for $13,500; Capital snow wing for $25,000; Falls V-Plow for $9,000.
All bids included the required bond. Commissioners will review bids to award at a later date.
Commissioner Bullock received a report on yesterday’s tour of the Pryor Mountain Wind Farm construction attended by Commissioner Blain, Newell and Daniel.
Commissioner Bullock reported on yesterday’s COVID-19 Incident Management Team meetings with regard to Governor Bullock’s upcoming transition to Phase 2 re-opening on June 1st. Newell reported on meeting with hospital and Public Health members yesterday; Public Health needs increased funds for staff and Information Technology for COVID-19 contact tracing. Newell is exploring grant options; Montana Board of Crime Control (MBCC) grant would cover additional law enforcement costs.
9:30 Mayor Bill Larson joined the meeting for the weekly City of Red Lodge update. Commissioners invited Larson to join Tuesday’s Board of Health meeting to discuss Summer events. Newell notified Larson of the need to review and renew the Ambulance Interlocal agreement. Commissioners updated the Mayor that the COVID-19 CARES Act will not fund the rodeo for the benefit of the community. Newell informed the Mayor of the MBCC Law Enforcement grant and asked the City to provide their requests for funding to her.
10:00 County Attorney Alex Nixon joined for his weekly update. Clerk and Recorder Christine Stovall asked Nixon about a road tract tax assessment on Water Works Road belonging to Francis Owen. Two other parcels in Bearcreek and one near Cooney are in the same position. Stovall asked for guidance on whether to pursue the taxes now and incur the costs from the title company for the process, or delay a year for potential Governor’s guidance on tax deeds.
Discussion regarding the Courthouse protocols to follow COVID-19 guidelines by providing a bailiff to separate parties. Nixon will attend Tuesday’s Board of Health meeting to discuss policy regarding upcoming summer events. Discussion regarding County policies for large-scale summer events, especially in light of COVID-19 public health concerns.
Nixon and Commissioner Blain discussed a neighbor dispute on Carbonado Road; both have been cited. Proceedings will be a lengthy process. Commissioner Blain hopes a resolution is reached before someone gets hurt.
10:30 Josh O’Shea and Tom Chamberlain both joined in-person, and Jeremy Norby (Seitz Insurance), Heather Cope (HUB Insurance) and Shannon Shanholzer joined via teleconference for the MACo Insurance Renewal. Shanholzer detailed challenges to the insurance market statewide over the previous year such as hail storms and wrongful incarceration claims. Overall, 25-28% increase to County’s Property and Casualty and Liability insurances, despite Carbon County having a very favorable claims history. Commissioner Bullock relayed the Lexipol: Public Safety Policy and Training Solutions system has not been useful for our Sheriff’s Office.
Discussion regarding MACo’s discontinuance in providing Workers’ Compensation coverage effective July 1, 2020. Norby expects about a $49k savings over the previous policy year in transitioning to the MACo pool within Seitz Insurance.
Commissioner Bullock moved to approve the 2020-2021 MACo Property and Casualty Trust with reflected changes/alterations; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.
Commissioner Bullock moved to approve the Insurance proposal for Workers’ Comp through Seitz Agency and State Fund; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.
Commissioner Bullock moved to approve Public Health Grant Contract through the CARES Act; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.
Commissioner Bullock moved to approve the DPPHS Designation of Earmarked alcohol tax money to Journey Recovery for outpatient services; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.
Sirrine departed the meeting.
11:35 Disaster and Emergency Services Coordinator / Fire Warden Tom Kohley joined the meeting to discuss replacing Annie Gillespie who resigned this week and whose last day is June 4th. Discussion whether to contract the floodplain component of her position.

Discussion regarding an email from Gordon Sirrine stating he believes the sitting County Commissioners lack legal authority to open the ballot for additional candidates in the general election for the vacant Bridger District Commissioner seat.

12:25 Adjourned