May 3, 2022
May 3, 2022
Commissioners Scott Miller, Scott Blain, and Bill Bullock; and Administrative Officer Angela Newell were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.
9:00 Sanitarian Director Barbara Krizek, Sanitarian Scott Vandell, and Assistant Lori Kane met for the Sanitarian monthly update. Krizek reviewed the written report (attached). Kane noted DEQ is also in the process of reviewing/revising regulations which has been prioritized over application reviews. Realistically it will be 9 mo to 1 year before a septic application is approved if DEQ review is required. Vandell reviewed Standardization Grant progress. Vandell noted he has had approximately 4 vacation rental inspections per week (still not sure about total volume of vacation rentals in the County). Kane noted number of vacation rentals in Red Lodge that has been circulating (250) does not match the number of licensed establishments (93). Discussion about Temporary Sanitarian position and making the PT Sanitarian permanent; also, discussed Public Health Emergency Preparedness grant funding that could be leveraged to higher an additional Sanitarian in the 2022-23 Budget year. Discussion about office availability on Fridays; Commissioners requested that if a Full-Time Sanitarian is added that they be in the office on Friday’s. Commissioners requested FT and PT Sanitarian job description be prepared.
10:00 Clerk and Recorder Christine Stovall and Deputy Clerk and Recorder Lola Ashby met regarding Fridays in the Sanitarian’s office. Noted they have had significant walk-ins from the public on Fridays including one gentleman who was told he could pickup a document last Friday and left irate. Stovall is concerned the Clerk and Recorder’s Office is taking the brunt of the public’s frustration. Requested Commissioners reconsider making the office hours a 5-day week. Bullock noted discussion this morning regarding additional staff.
10:20 Miller moved Resolution 2022-11 confirming County Support of and Continued Cooperation with Rodeo Association; Blain seconded; motion carried.
10:30 Geospatial Information Systems Coordinator / Fire Warden Tom Kohley met for his monthly update. Kohley reviewed his report (attached). Discussed deputy fire warden position; Hoferer is stepping down as deputy fire warden. Kohley would like to see the position a little more structured with programmatic duties added. Kohley noted he tries to allocate approximately ¼ of his time to Fire Warden duties. Kohley presented and reviewed proposed duties of the Deputy Fire Warden. Kohley would like to see the county more actively coordinate fire prevention/education.
Kohley noted grant opportunity to fund the position with DRNC fire capacity grants. Proposed grant budget would be approximately 30 hrs/mo over two years for a total of $25,900. Blain concurred with the need for someone to coordinate trainings with rural fire districts. Blain moved to approve grant application; miller seconded; motion carried
11:00 Carbon County News Reporter Eleanor Guerrero joined the meeting. Miller moved to approve North Dry Creek Weed Management Project MDA No. 2022-37 Agreement; Blain seconded; motion carried.
Blain moved to pass Resolution 2022-12 Prosecutorial Assistance in a Case Involving Christopher Jay Montez; Miller seconded; motion carried.
Blain moved to approve Commissioners Proceedings for April 7 and 12; Miller seconded; motion carried.
Blain moved to accept Treasurer report March 2022; Miller seconded; motion carried.
Blain moved to accept Clerk and Recorder Monthly deposit reconciliation for April 2022; Miller seconded; motion carried.
Blain moved to accept Cash Balance report for District Court for April 2022; Miller seconded; motion carried.
11:30 Undersheriff Jeff Schmalz and Sheriff Administrator Michelle Derennaux, Kate Asbury met with Commissioners regarding Code enforcement and COPS Grant Application. Discussion about job description; COPS grant application is not dependent on job functions as long as they are a sworn deputy. McQuillan anticipate the Code Enforcement duties/designation to be an internal position similar to detective. Discussion about other duties including animal complaints and civil process; Commissioners want to make sure they are not sidelined by other duties (ie. prisoner transports). Blain asked about history of COPS grant applications; Sheriff’s Office has received awards for the two grants they have applied for. Blain moved to approve the application for a COPS hiring grant to augment wages to add deputy position for the purpose of Code Enforcement; Miller seconded; discussion about funding timeline, would not know award status until late September or early October; discussion about funding structure – grant pays 100% in year 1 and lower portions for subsequent years up to funding amount; motion carried.
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Union Agreement discussion. Human Resources Specialist Kate Asbury in attendance. Discussion about firefighting and if the four (4) hour standby minimum applies (no), PPE requirements, pay rate (CBA states time and one half not double time and a half). Also discussed some other language than needed to be cleaned up for clarity.
Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Officer