May 4, 2021

May 4, 2021

Commissioners Scott Blain, Bill Bullock and Scott Miller; Administrative Officer Angela Newell; and Commissioners’ Secretary Barbara Krizek were present.

8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.

Agenda items regarding Resolutions of Intent for the Detention Facility construction bond and operating levy were postponed to next week.
Discussion regarding Development Regulations as the protest period for Public Hearing closed yesterday; Nev Harding provided the only written comment.

Commissioner Blain moved to approve Commissioner Proceedings for April 6 and 8; Commissioner Miller seconded; motion carried.
Newell reported on her findings from researching how other counties structure their employee pay scales.

Commissioner Miller moved to accept the District Court Fines, Fees, and Cash Balance Report for April; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.

10:00 Commissioner Bullock moved to approve the Noxious Weed Trust Fund Grant Agreements for Shane Ridge, North Dry Creek, and Cow Creek; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.

Discussion regarding Property and Casualty Insurance services and whether the County would like to initiate a Request for Proposals (RFP) since it hasn’t been done for at least 10 years. Other services are going through the RFP process, such as Public Health Services, so it for consistency Newell will draft for insurance.

10:30 Emergency Services (DES) Coordinator Cyrina Allen joined for her monthly update. The last Public Health COVID-19 vaccination clinic will be held this Thursday after which point the public can get vaccinated by walk-in to Public Health. The 2021 911 Grant has been approved and no word received on Emergency Management Preparedness Grant. Allen must conduct environmental and historical preservation screening for the State Homeland Security Grant for microwave communications. The Federal Aviation Administration has approved the Rock Creek radio tower construction which will be installed in May. Allen is working on developing and managing volunteers. COVID-19 personal protective equipment is sufficiently stocked and has been moved to the basement of the Personal Services Building.

Geospatial Information Systems Coordinator / Fire Warden Tom Kohley detailed the new on-line Development Permit application process. He is working with the Sheriff and Search and Rescue regarding evacuation protocols and procedures. Discussion regarding wildland fire training conducted with road crews; crews reported problems with radio functions and communications training; Commissioner Bullock recommended having Deputy Carrington conduct tech diagnostics with some comprehensive group walk-through training. Kohley recommended having DES create a cache of radios to deliver to road crews in the event of a fire. Out of concern for safety, Kohley wants only road crew members who are trained, enthusiastic and can readily fall into a command structure during an emergency; Kohley will draft a job description which will be posted at the Road Shops with positions being awarded by seniority.

11:00 Commissioner Miller moved to approve the SeamlessDocs renewal and upgrade agreement; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.

12:00 Adjourned for lunch.

1:00 Set Clerk/Dispatch/Secretary Pay Scale Structure. Joined by County Attorney Alex Nixon, Montana State University Extension Agent Nikki Bailey; Sheriff Josh McQuillan, and Justice of the Peace Kevin Nichols. Commissioner Bullock expressed that relative to neighboring counties, Carbon County’s pay scale is more favorable to employees, especially when factoring in longevity. Continued discussion regarding pay “Lanes”; requests to move an employee up the pay scale would be made with a department’s preliminary budget request and be effective with wage changes at the beginning of the fiscal year; requests would be made in writing and include a description of the additional tasks, responsibilities, or activities not covered in the employee’s job description that are the basis for the requested increase. Commissioners decided to defer final decision on the pay scale structure until the preliminary budget process is completed at the end of May.

1:30 County Attorney preliminary budget. Nixon asked to delay his budget meeting so he may further consider his staffing, computer issues, and cost of deferred litigation. Nixon departed.

Discussion regarding COVID-19 federal grant reimbursements; Commissioners decided not to pass federal reimbursements on down to municipalities for dispatch services and instead route those funds to radio system capital funds to prepare for future maintenance or capital outlays.

1:50 Meeting adjourned.