May 7, 2020

May 7, 2020

Commissioners Scott Blain and Bill Bullock; Administrative Officer Angela Newell; Commissioners’ Secretary Barbara Daniel; and Gordon Sirrine (via tele-conference) were present.

8:30 Pledge of Allegiance

Commissioner Bullock moved to approved Claims for the Accounting Period of April 20th, 2020; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.

Commissioner Blain has been touring county spaces in Joliet for an office to provide mental health services under the new DPHHS COVID-19 Behavioral Health grant; he will do a walk-through of the Beartooth RC&D building with Anne Genereaux from the Mental Health office this afternoon.

Commissioner Bullock reported on the Rodeo Association meeting last night. They will defer decision on whether to hold this year’s rodeo until June 10th, waiting to see how COVID-19 plays out within the county and the state. Commissioner Blain reported that County Health Officer, Bill George MD, provided an update at last night’s meeting with the recommendation, given current conditions (no active cases in Carbon County and an improving trend in Montana), that the Association plan to hold the rodeo under potential lessened restrictions.
9:30 Mayor Bill Larson joined via tele-conference for the weekly City of Red Lodge update. The Mayor thanked County Health Officer, Bill George MD, and Public Health Nurse Roberta Cady for providing information and guidance on reopening city offices. Visitors to City Hall will be required to wear a mask; there will be a red/green-light system on the front door; visitors will be by appointment to visit with staff; the city is installing plexi-glass on the counters; and installing a payment box outside. Larson plans to visit with the Harley Rodeo organizers. The City Council meeting on May 12th will be held virtually on GoToMeeting again with Department Heads socially-distanced in-person. City Court has been open since May 5th following Supreme Court guidelines. Restaurants appear to be following the Sanitarian’s guidelines. Yellowstone Bighorn Research Association has cancelled their summer program. Commissioner Blain reported a transition from COVID-19 response to recovery; Commissioner Blain is heading up an Economic Recovery Group. Commissioner Bullock stated that Montana Motor Vehicle Division (MVD) will be adapting their operations to a mobile trailer May 18th instead of a physical presence in the Administration building. Larson reported that MVD will be parked at the Civic Center. Newell detailed Computer-Aided Dispatch improvements at the Sheriff’s Department. The county will be signing a 5-year lease with Bank of Red Lodge; the City’s share of the system and maintenance will be pro-rated with as outlined in a forthcoming Interlocal Agreement.

10:00 County Attorney Alex Nixon tele-conferenced for his weekly update. Commissioner Bullock asked whether there was any new information regarding the Industrial Communications litigation; Nixon stated he will inquire with contracted Deputy County Attorney Jacque Papez for an update. Commissioner Bullock informed Nixon that the COVID-19 Incident Management Team Policy Group has received numerous inquiries on the whether event organizers may hold their summer events; Nixon concurred with Commissioner Bullock that the Board of Health has the authority to decide such matters.

Commissioner Bullock moved to approve the Carbon County District Court Fines and Fees Receipts Summary for April 1st through April 30th, 2020; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.

11:00 Phil Manken, Realtor for Norman and Geraldine Stevens who own the Joliet property for the proposed Detention Facility, stopped in for an update. He reported that his clients would like to know one way or another whether the county intends to pursue their property in light of postponing the mail ballot election due to COVID-19. For tax purposes, his clients would prefer a closing in 2021. Commissioners Bullock and Blain responded that the county’s current thought is to purchase the property since so much work has been done in preparation for that specific site, but delay the bond until a time that is better for our local economy and the taxpayers. Commissioner Bullock would like to delay a commitment on a timeline for the property purchase until the county is made aware of its revenues around June 11th.

11:30 Sheriff Josh McQuillan tele-conferenced into the meeting to discuss the Yellowstone County Interlocal Agreement for Adult Detention Services. Commissioner Bullock moved to approve the Yellowstone County Interlocal Agreement for Adult Detention Services; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.

11:50 Commissioner Bullock departed the meeting. Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted: Barbara Daniel, Commissioners’ Secretary