November 23, 2021
November 23, 2021
Commissioners Scott Miller and Bill Bullock; and Administrative Officer Angela Newell were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.
9:00 Tax Deed. Clerk and Recorder Christine Stovall and Deputy Clerk and Recorder Macque Bohleen were in attendance. Miller moved to adopt Resolution 2021-33 Issue Tax Deed on property described as Tract 2, of Certificate of Survey No. 1080, on file in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of said County, under Document No. 212437 – with exceptions; Bullock Seconded; Stovall gave a history of the parcel noting historic issues with ownership and legal description; motion carried. Stovall asked if Commissioners wanted to consider selling the tax deeded property at this time. Commissioners would like to wait to include Blain in the discussion. For the record, Commissioners confirmed that taking the parcel under the tax deed process does not make the road a County road or imply any County maintenance responsibility.
9:30 Miller moved to accept the FY 2022 Extension Services Agreement with Montana State University Extension; Bullock seconded; motion carried.
Miller moved to accept Commissioners Proceedings for November 16, 2021; Bullock seconded; motion carried.
Discussion regarding meeting last week with Mandeville, Kohley, Krizek, McQuillan, Nixon, and Newell regarding enforcement of planning, sanitarian, and burning regulations and the County’s junk ordinance.
10:45 Miller moved to approve employee time for November 7-20, 2021 as submitted; Bullock seconded; motion carried.
11:00 Facilities planning. Sheriff Josh McQuillan and Red Lodge Fire Chief Tom Kuntz were in attendance. Kuntz noted they are looking at purchasing property and lots adjacent to current fire station; the Board has discussed building new buildings to be shared with Sheriff. Discussed current issues with Court House; Bullock would like to see Court services moved downstairs for ADA accessibility and relocate the bulk of Sheriff’s staff. Kuntz noted how large fire hall was constructed and that it allowed city and rural fire to come together and to provide the other services to be housed in the building. Also discussed space at new training facility on Hwy 78. Training building in process, but there is quite a bit of additional property available. Kuntz noted a large building would necessitate the extension of City water to provide sprinklers. McQuillan suggested moving courts and attorney out of Court House to an ADA compliant facility and keeping the Sheriff’s Office in the current building which would not require remodeling. Blain messaged to note he is opposed to abandoning the upstairs of the Court House for ADA accessibility. He would like any work on Courthouse to be part of a long-term plan. Bullock and Miller expressed concerns about the necessary remodeling to the Court House to accommodate an elevator. Miller likes idea of leaving Sheriff’s Office in the building. Discussed parking issues in Red Lodge.
12:00 Public Health Coordinator Erin Cross met with Commissioners regarding Public Health Emergency Preparedness training in Helena first week in December. Cross will also be submitting a weekly column for the Carbon County News. Cross requested she be issued a County credit card; Commissioners approved. Discussion regarding Alcohol Tax money; only a State approved provider is able to use alcohol tax money. Cross noted working on a plan to split on call time with Charleen.
12:00 Adjourned.
Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Officer