November 24, 2020

November 24, 2020

Commissioners Scott Blain and Bill Bullock and Commissioner-elect Scott Miller; Administrative Officer Angela Newell (tele-conference) were present.

Commissioners approved the successful completion of Michael Schilz’s probationary period.

Bullock moved to approve proceedings for November 5, 10, and 17, 2020; Blain seconded; motion carried.

8:50 Contract Planner Forrest Mandeville joined the meeting. Blain discussed conservation easements and tax benefits.

9:00 Clerk and Recorder Christine Stovall was present. Mandeville presented the staff report for the Elk Peak Subdivision Final Plat approval; all conditions placed on the preliminary plat approval have been met. Bullock discussed the need for a road impact fee because the development will have a significant impact on existing County Roads that access the subdivision. Mandeville noted an impact fee study would be necessary to determine appropriate fee to maintain the road at road standards. Mandeville stated that fees would apply to impacts, but could not be used to address issues off site or for issues that are below current road standards. The other option would be to require the developer to create a Rural Special Improvement District (RSID). Mandeville noted a condition of approval is that all future owners waive their right to protest the creation of an RSID; this would be an option going forward. Bullock noted maintenance expectation issues with people moving to parcels off roads that have a low maintenance priority or are classified as priority 3 with no snow plowing. Bullock moved to approve the Elk Peak Subdivision Final Plat; Blain seconded; discussion about lot size, Mandeville noted all lot’s net acreage, exclusive of roadways, is over 20 acres putting sanitary approval at the County level; motion carried. Stovall departed.

Discussion regarding developments in Rockvale. Lynde has referred the violations to DEQ for enforcement. Discussion regarding referendums passed in the November election and the upcoming legislative session.

9:30 Mandeville discussed County Development Regulations (zoning). Update in 2016 imposed some zoning for residential construction and conditional use permits for certain kinds of commercial development. Mandeville noted some issues with current regulations include the need for a board of adjustments and designation of the Planning Board as the Zoning Commission. Mandeville noted at this time it is not clear if multifamily developments are subject to Building for Lease or Rent (BLR) Regulations or Zoning/Development Permits. Other changes are administrative cleanup.

Changes include the addition of a definition for “project area” that was important for determining setbacks for large developments spanning multiple lots (ie: wind farms) and adding Multifamily housing developments to the Group 2 Development Permit process. Discussion regarding sprinkler system requirements in past subdivision approvals; this was imposed as a covenant requirement as an alternate method of fire suppression. Discussion of possible timeline to adopt updated regulations and corresponding noticing requirements; would likely be late winter/early spring.

10:30 Mandeville departed the meeting.

Jeff Wise (who has been conditionally offered the position of Red Lodge Airport Manager) met with commissioners regarding updating email address and phone number for issuing NOTAMs.

Bullock moved to approve employee time as submitted; Blain seconded; motion carried.

11:00 Discussion regarding the agenda for the Detention Facility Committee meeting on Wednesday. Bullock has reached out to Stillwater and Sweet Grass Counties regarding memorandums of understanding for bed rentals.

11:23 Meeting closed for a Human Resources discussion on staff quarantine orders.

11:37 Meeting reopened.

Commissioners discussed rented bed rates for the Detention Facility operating budget.

12:00 Adjourned.