November 26, 2018

November 26, 2018
Commissioners Robert ‘Pits’ DeArmond, Scott Blain, and Bill Bullock, Administrative Officer Angela Newell and Clerk and Recorder Marcia Henigman were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance
9:00 Red Lodge Parks and Recreation discussion; in attendance were Election Administrator Maque Bohleen, Red Lodge City Council member Glory Mahan, Red Lodge City Planner James Caniglia, Red Lodge City Assistant Planner Neil Matthews-Pennaner, Red Lodge Parks board members Carol Bloomer, Theresa Whistler, Rue Freeman, and Kelly Heaton.
James: The city’s park board has been having increasing budget issues; can no longer use resort tax funds for maintenance (can use on capital expenses only); pool had major expenses this past year just to open. The city council began discussions setting up a district for parks maintenance; they are looking at the Red Lodge high school district boundary lines with some interest from the Roberts area. Developed a parks plan in 2015 but would need to update that with new funding. The city park board has already done a lot of outreach to determine what the park district would work on once funded. Angela provided a time line for the city to create a district; restricting it to just the city would be twice the expense to city residents than encompassing the entire high school district.
Bill Bullock: brought up the recent creation of the cemetery district; doesn’t want any misconceptions by the city of what needs to be done prior to getting the issue on the ballot. Reiterated that they follow the time lines strictly and get going on it and seek guidance from those that have been through recent district formations.
James: They know they need to work on getting people educated and understands the process. The city in the past has depended on volunteers to maintain the various parks but volunteers move on so getting new volunteers has been hard. More and more it’s becoming a city maintenance expense as groups lose interest.
Kelly: Feels the public understands what the issue is, particularly this past summer, and that there is interest in this. The city parks board is anxious to keep the pool open and pursue other park activities. Have done a lot of outreach already at various city events this year. She sees additional informational sessions leading up to the public vote.
Macque: suggested working towards vote ready for the municiple election next fall for cost-effectiveness. Reach out to land owners in the district. Talk to Department
of Revenue for their timelines and input, particularly in regards to boundary lines. Suggested naming the district not exclusively “Red Lodge” if using a larger area for the district. Promote that a board will be running the district, not the city, not the county.
Theresa: have talked to a lot of parents and the youth for determining interest; understand they need to talk to business owners for their input as well. Understand the recent impact of the cemetery district but feel now that it is established they can move on this new district. They also know they have to reach out to make people understand that what they’ve had they may not have in the future due to decreased funds.
Scott: be aware that the pool is a selling point but some other parks may not.
10:00 Commissioner Bullock motioned to approve timesheets for the payroll period; Commissioner Blain seconded the motion; motion carried.
10:00 Brent Moore in to discuss capital planning; prepare a request for change of use of a TCEP grant for a comprehensive capital improvement plan. Worked with Granite county to develop a CIP plan; both Flathead and Park counties have good plans. Looked at what Carbon County has been doing, restricted to bridge planning. Discussed various monetary increments to set for capital planning. Brent could have something established and approved by next May/June for next budget year; Carbon County has $35,000 to use. Could use current information the county already has plus interviews with staff. The county can start with it’s own priorities. Angela has extensive excel worksheets for historic info and could provide that to Brent to use for future estimates. Would also like to add road priority projects to the CIP; the commissioners want to combine parts of their specific budgets in order to fully complete projects and to maintain what Carbon County has in the future.
10:40 Commissioner Blain motioned to approve the minutes of the November 19, 2018 regular meeting; Commissioner DeArmond seconded the motion; motion carried.
11:00 Codan Radio System update phone conference; GIS/DES Tom Kohley, Sheriff Josh McQuillan and Kelly Carrington participated.
12:00 Lunch

2:00 Beartooth RC&D Annual MOU Renewal: Finance Director Jillann Knutson, Executive Director Joel Bertolino, RC&D Board Chairman Bill Foisy and Economic Development Director Sue Taylor were in attendance. Handouts outlining the various programs offered through their services, the goals of RC&D for economic development and an economic overview for our area. Also discussed the Opportunity Zone designation for Red Lodge and updates on current projects. Jillann explained their loan program in assisting clients to close on projects or purchases that otherwise would not.

Joel updated on the Growth through Agriculture program (value-added programs); money became available for conservation projects (three county cooperative grant program).
BRC&D requested that the commissioners assist them in exploring Opportunity Zone criteria and educating groups in the area about the investment based program.
The group went over the Memorandum of Understanding. Commissioner Bullock motioned to approve, Commissioner DeArmond seconded the motion, motion passed.

Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Officer