November 30, 2017
November 30, 2017
Commissioners Doug Tucker, Scott Blain, and Bill Bullock, and Administrative Assistant Angela Newell were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance
Gordon Sirrine was present.
George Mann and Therese Picaso Edwards met with Commissioners to discuss AARP application for Network of Age Friendly Communities. They would like to submit the County Seal with application materials. As the County has not been using a standard seal, Commissioners will work with Tom Kohley to develop something to use in the application.
Commissioner Tucker and Commissioner Bullock attended Fish Wildlife & Parks’ Chronic Wasting Disease meetings yesterday.
Commissioners discussed Kelly Carrington performing IT services for Sheriff’s Office and moving the dispatch center once the addition is completed. Questions were raised about liability and work comp insurance and if those duties could be covered under the Sheriff’s retirement.
9:15 Deputy County Attorney Shannon Foley joined the meeting.
9:30 Gary Verkleeren & Mas Ogiso from EverPower met with Commissioners for the Public Hearing on New and Expanding Industry (NEI) Applications for the Mud Springs et. al. Wind Farm. Gary started with a project update: the storm water permit through DEQ has been finalized and submitted for an extension; US Fish and Wildlife has issued formal acceptance of the eagle conservation plan which should provide path for eagle take permit; and the Wyoming Public Service Commission has a new schedule to allow further negotiations with Pacific Corp. regarding the power purchase agreement. Gary expects documents related to the County Conditional Use Development Permit amendment to be delivered to the County in four to six (4-6) weeks. Everpower requested Commissioners grant the NEI tax abatement unconditionally; Gary reiterated that he believes the project has been revised, but should not be treated as a new project. Commissioner Blain asked what was the expected life of the project; Everpower expects approximately 18 months for construction and the project’s life would be approximately 30 years. Shannon noted outstanding items including the power purchase agreement and future project changes could be conditions of the approval. 9:55 Forrest Mandeville joined meeting. He confirmed the NEI tax abatement is tied to the project regardless of ownership. Commissioner noted they cannot guarantee the NEI will be granted unconditionally. Shannon requested conditional items from previous resolutions be addressed.
10:25 Forrest Mandeville and Ross Waples met with Commissioners regarding the Waples Minor Subdivision expedited plat. This is a one (1) lot minor subdivision to remove the ag exemptions. Commissioner Bullock moved to approve Waples Subdivision Expedited Plat; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.
10:35 Kathleen Armstrong and Gary Levine with Spectrum Group Architects met with Commissioners to discuss capital improvement planning for county buildings. Sheriff Josh McQuillan was present. They recommend conducting a space needs assessment to determine current space deficits so those issues can be considered for future capital improvements. Commissioners discussed anticipated growth with new highway construction and added pressure on offices that are already short on space. Gary and Kathleen gave an overview of their process to conduct a space needs assessment and the component sheet that they would develop.
12:00 Adjourned
Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Assistant