November 7, 2019

November 7, 2019
Commissioners Robert ‘Pits’ DeArmond and Bill Bullock, Administrative Officer Angela Newell, and Commissioners’ Secretary Barbara Daniel were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.
Bill Bullock and Pits DeArmond attended the Bridger Town council meeting on Tuesday. The council discussed the interlocal agreement for planning.
Commissioners discussed the Bishoff gravel pit owned by the Bureau of Land Management. Commissioner DeArmond noted the County should not be paying “royalties” for the gravel pit as BLM is the owner. The County may need to pay an access fee to Sunlight Ranch as the pit is accessed across Sunlight property.
Discussed the National Institute of Corrections Planning of New Institutions (PONI) Class to assist with detention facility planning. Commissioners were not sure the class was worth the cost considering the expertise provided by Spectrum & Lombard Conrad architects.
9:00 Commissioners also discussed Detention Facility Citizen Committee. Lombard Conrad will be able to meet with the committee after the next meeting with the Commissioners on December 5th. Commissioners would also like to provide mileage reimbursements for the committee members.
Commissioner Bullock moved to approve meeting minutes for October 15 and 17; Commissioner DeArmond seconded; motion carried.
Commissioner Bullock moved to approve October 2019 claims as submitted; Commissioner DeArmond seconded; motion carried.
10:00 County Attorney Alex Nixon and Deputy County Attorney Shannon Foley met with Commissioners for their regular meeting. Commissioners discussed an email they received from David Lehnherr and Kurt Sandmire, Board of Directors for the Meeteetse Meadows South Homeowners Association (MMSHA), on behalf of the MMSHA. The email requested the County increase the maintenance priority of of Meeteetse Trail between the top of the East Bench and the entrance to Crow Hill Lane to priority 1. Commissioner Bullock noted last year the road department did provide a higher level of service on that road, but as they almost lost a road grader in an avalanche, he would prefer the road remain a priority 3 road as it goes down the hill. The covenants of the subdivision lay out subdivision’s requirements for snow plowing. Alex and Shannon agreed that since litigation was mentioned in the email it would be appropriate to end conversations with the Home Owners Association.
Commissioner Bullock noted Bill Burgen has put encumbrances back in Ladvala Road; Mr. Burgen has been informed that the road will not be maintained until the items are removed. Alex noted the new Deputy County Attorney Michael Ellinghouse will start November 18th.
10:20 Bid opening Ski Run Road Chip Seal Project. Neil McKeehan from Askin Construction and Jay Steinmasel from Knife River were present. Three bids were received as follows:
Knife River: $130,825.00
Askin Construction: $177,191.94
HardDrives Construction: $80,210.30
Bid will be awarded in the next two weeks after a thorough review.

12:00 Board of Health meeting. Barbara Mettler Mental Health Center, Shiela Boggio, Dick Nolan, Jeremy Eaton, Travis West, Lori Kane, Angela Newell, Barbara Daniel, Sanitarian Cortney Lynde, Tom Kohley, Therese Picaso Edwards, and Jean Atherly were present. Dick moved to approve minutes from March and July 18, 2019; Pits seconded; motion carried.
1:25 Adjourned

Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Officer