November 9, 2023

November 9, 2023
Commissioners Scott Miller and Scott Blain were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.
9:00 Rename Mosiers Dome Road. Rural Address Coordinator Tom Kohley, indicated that Mosiers Dome has various spellings between Yellowstone and Carbon County. People living in Yellowstone County who live on Mosers Dome have Joliet addresses. This has been creating some confusion for deliveries and such. Because of the two different spellings Kohley is proposing Carbon County rename our Mosiers Dome road to Silesia Road to provide continuity from the Silesia Road coming from Yellowstone County. We do not have anyone living on Mosiers Dome road so there would be very little to no impact in regards to rural addressing.

Kohley will let the one landowner on that road know the change. Blain made the motion to change the name to Silesia Road, Miller seconded, motion passed.

10:00 County Attorney was at a commitment hearing so there was no meeting today.

11:00 Red Lodge Mayor-Elect Dave Westwood was present to request the City of Red Lodge time slot on Thursdays at 9:30 be reinstated after the new year. The Commissioners agreed and it will be put back on the agenda.

11:30 Blain moved to approve Commissioner Proceedings from 9/28/2023, 10/3/2023 and closed proceedings from 10/3/2023. Miller second. Motion passed.

12:24 Blain moved to approve the claim for Blackline Transport. Miller second. Motion passed.

12:00 Adjourned.