October 1, 2020
October 1, 2020
Commissioners Scott Blain and Bill Bullock; Administrative Officer Angela Newell; and Commissioners’ Secretary Barbara Krizek were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance
8:50 Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Coordinator / Fire Warden Tom Kohley joined the meeting. 9:00 Election Administrator Macque Bohleen and Gordon Sirrine (tele-conference) joined the meeting. Kohley requested permission to go out for bid for concrete work for the Rock Creek radio tower site; Newell stated that per procurement policy, Kohley is permitted to solicit quotes.
Bohleen presented Election Judge lists for the November 3, 2020 General Election; she has 92 judges that will be certified including County staff/Commissioners. Commissioner Bullock moved to approve the Election Judge list as presented; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried. There will be a Sheriff Deputy or Reserve Deputy at each polling place; Bohleen asked that since Sirrine is on the ballot for County Commissioner, that he disassociate himself from participating as Reserve Officer. Discussion that ballots must be received by 8pm on Election Day to be counted (as opposed to post-marked by/on Election Day). Commissioner Blain has coordinated plexi-glass partitions for judges to mitigate COVID-19 transmission.
Sirrine inquired about budget shortfalls for the FY20-21 budget; Newell noted the outstanding cash balance needs to be considered in balancing the budget which is included in the Cash Reserve Worksheet which shows all fund budgets are balanced as required by Montana law. Sirrine stated he will visit Newell in-person this afternoon to discuss.
9:20 Scott Miller joined the meeting.
9:30 City of Red Lodge meeting joined by Mayor Bill Larson. Commissioner Bullock updated Larson on yesterday’s meeting with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regarding pursuing funding for Red Lodge airport; the first step would be to have an official Master Plan developed. Discussion regarding the $20-$25k grant that Community Development Director James Caniglia was aware of that could be applied for in order to fund the local match for the Master Plan; Commissioner Bullock asked that Larson and Caniglia pursue the grant. Commissioner Blain asked that the Rodeo/Fair be added to the new directional signage installed on city streets; Larson will check with the Chamber of Commerce. Discussion regarding Red Lodge Mountain COVID-19 mitigation measures; at this time RLM plans to open Thanksgiving weekend with single-chair riders for social distancing and modified lodge procedures. Christmas Stroll will proceed with extended hours for temporal distancing.
Discussion regarding reconstituting the Citizen Advisory Committee for the proposed Detention Facility; Newell will schedule a meeting for early November.
Commissioner Bullock noted for the minutes Carbon County’s support for nominee Sidney Fitzpatrick of Big Horn County for Montana Association of Counties (MACo) 2nd Vice President because of his help in accessing Coal Board funds for the Bridger Senior Center remodel; Commissioner Blain concurred.
Commissioner Bullock moved to approve the Letter of Engagement for Appraisal Services with Matt Bender for the Stevens’ Property for the proposed Detention Facility; Commissioner Blain seconded; discussion that determining the value of the property is essential in validating fair purchase price; motion carried.
11:00 Miller and Sirrine departed the meeting.
12:00 Gwen Williams joined meeting to inquire about acquiring the soon-to-be retired Chance Road bridge for Palisade Basin Ranch.
12:00 Adjourned.