October 13, 2022

October 13, 2022
Commissioners Scott Miller, Scott Blain, and Bill Bullock; and Administrative Officer Angela Newell were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.
Mike George met with Miller regarding train derailment cleanup and reopening the road near his house. Miller noted his road crew plans to rebuild the road and will reimbursed by the rail road; not sure yet on the timeline as they are still waiting on the environmental cleanup. 8:45 Disaster and Emergency Services (DES) Coordinator Cyrina Allen joined the meeting. Discussed potential for water contamination; Allen noted the request will need to be made through DEQ. Miller and George departed to discuss an election judge issue with Election Administrator Crystal Roascio.
Commissioners discussed flood response permitting and last evening’s Conservation District meeting attended by Bullock and Blain. At the meeting Commissioners recounted the phone conference with Senator Danes on Tuesday. Bullock suggested that it would be a benefit for complaint process to be routed through the local government governing body.
9:00 Treasurer Lori Lynde met with Commissioners for the quarterly Collateral report. Blain moved to accept the Collateral report for Quarter 1 of the 2022-2023 Fiscal Year; Miller seconded; motion carried.
Miller moved to accept the October Justice Court Report; Blain seconded; motion carried.
9:30 Red Lodge Mayor Kristen Cogswell met with Commissioners for her regular appointment. Discussed progress with FEMA.
10:00 County Attorney Alex Nixon met for his regular appointment. Discussed new public information request from Lisa Bennett.
10:49 Public Health Director Erin Cross met with Commissioners to request approval to apply for Tobacco Prevention Grant and an Asthma Home Visiting Program grant for a total of $70k. Both deliverables are relatively easy to meet and funding would be used to help support the Public Health Clinic RN. Miller moved to approve; Blain seconded; motion carried.
Miller moved to approve Commissioners’ Proceedings for September 13th and September 15th; Blain seconded; motion carried.

Bullock moved; Blain seconded to accept Teesdale’s letter of interest for the open Road Maintenance crew position; Motion carried.
Bullock noted he and Blain’s attendance at the Affordable housing meeting in Roberts. Blain noted housing in Red Lodge or Roberts is most sensible; Bullock supported the Roberts location.
12:00 Adjourned.

Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Officer