October 19, 2017

October 19, 2017
Commissioners Scott Blain and Bill Bullock and Administrative Assistant Angela Newell were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance
Jess Peterson from Western Sky Solutions met with Commissioners to discuss the Mud Springs Wind Project. He has been working with EverPower on wildlife issues specifically eagle and sage grouse mitigation. Jess believes the project changes are minor and were made in response to State and Federal input to reduces impacts on wildlife. Commissioner Bullock commented the project appears to still have a lot of uncertainties and noted contract planner Forrest Mandeville has made a recommendation on how to move forward on amending the Development Permit. Jess wants to give feedback to State and Federal authorities about how their changes can impact the local review of the project. Commissioners requested Everpower keep communication open with the County and landowners.
9:00 County Attorney Alex Nixon and Contract Deputy Jacque Papez met with Commissioners. Lola Ashby was present. They discussed EverPower’s Development Permit; Commissioners would like to forward Forrest’s letter to Everpower that outlines how the changes to the project be addressed with respect to the Development permit.
9:25 DES Coord. / GIS Mgr. Tom Kohley joined the meeting. He noted Tom Dunn is getting feedback from Simulcast expert from the east coast. Looking at designing system that will address law concerns and hopefully address concerns for EMS and Road communications. Hope to have proposal back in a week or two and then can address with Industrial Communications. Tom noted Industrial is still being responsive to technical needs.
Commissioner Blain noted he and Sheriff McQuillan talked to Ron Reed; he was told not to stop road crew operators on road for issues but to call Scott or Shawn if they are applying product on the road or have complaints.
DES Coord. / GIS Mgr. Tom Kohley presented quotes from Century Sirens for the Joliet Emergency Siren and TW Enterprises for the Emergency Operations Center Generator as discussed Monday. Commissioners signed both proposals. Tom also noted warm and windy for next several days. He plans to shut down the burn permit system.
Tom also discussed a request he has received for the county to plow snow on West Fork Road west of the intersection with Ski Run road; this portion of the road is not a County Road but a Forest Road. Currently, Beartooth Recreational Trails Association and landowners are contracting with private entity for plowing. Tom working with Forrest Service to try to come with long term solution.

Commissioner Blain noted he has a verbal agreement for Yellowstone County to plow White Horse North.
10:00 Treasurer Jane Swanson-Webb met with Commissioners regarding the quarterly collateral report. Total resources are $12,424,663.75 which is approximately $500,000 less than last year. Commissioner Bullock moved to accept Treasurer’s Collateral Report as presented; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.
10:20 Commissioners discussed furniture costs for setting up an alternate court room. Commissioner Bullock moved to approve purchases as presented; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.
10:30 Insurance committee members Judy Prinkki, Pam Schwend, Jane Swanson-Webb, Jerrid Bergum, and Jeff Schmalz met with Commissioners. Sheriff Josh McQuillan, Macque Bohleen, and Lola Ashby were also present. The Committee discussed going out for insurance proposals. It has been six years since Carbon County shopped for health insurance; the Committee would like to solicit proposals to make sure current health insurance is competitive.
12:00 Adjourned

Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Assistant