October 19, 2023

October 19, 2023
Commissioners Scott Miller, Scott Blain, and Bill Bullock were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.
9:00 Ambulance District discussion. Tom Kuntz, Alex Songstad, Tom Kohley, Terry Harper (Joliet EMS), and Torsten Paul (Red Lodge EMS) were present. Kuntz discussed EMS services in Carbon County noting the challenges with both funding and the availability of volunteers. Kuntz fears things will get worse before they get better and hopes the County can come up with a plan. People expect when they call 911 that an ambulance will come to their aid and that just isn’t true especially outside of the Red Lodge area as Joliet and Bridger are both in the same struggle. One option would be a countywide levy for ambulance services. Several options for different districts as well. Possible consolidation of administrative services.

9:30 Shorey Road Petition. County received a petition to apply gravel to a section of Shorey Road. This is not usually the purpose of a petition but with no contact information on the petition, it was placed on the agenda. Bullock moved to approve the application of gravel, Blain seconded. All discussion was against the application of gravel as the section of Shorey Road being requested is a priority 3 road between Highway 212 and the Cooney Dam road. There might be one part-time residence on this section of the road. As typical with other places in the county, livestock operations may have to wait for a road to dry out before hauling livestock rather than trailing them. Motion failed.

10:00 County Attorney Alex Nixon was present for his regular meeting. Some discussion about the lawsuit over the State’s 95 mills. Nixon is fine having MACo represent Carbon County along with most of the other counties in this matter.

10:30-Bullock moved to pass resolution 2023-29 a Resolution to Authorize MACo Representation State Equalization Mill, Blain second. Motion passed.

12:00 Adjourned.