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October 28, 2021

October 28, 2021
Commissioners Scott Miller, Scott Blain, and Bill Bullock; and were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.
9:05 Deputy Clerk and Recorder Lola Ashby expressed some concern with the new Human Resources person using Angela’s old office for sensitive personal issues. Suggested using the personal services building or downstairs breakroom for such things.

9:30 Mayor Larson stopped for weekly update. There was not much to report.

9:45 John Monroe, Mental Health Center, visited about ideas to get more people served. Perhaps offering 1-2 free sessions after certain law enforcement encounters.
10:00 County Attorney Alex Nixon stopped for his weekly meeting. Discussed having contracted Deputy County Attorney Jacque Papez work on gravel pit leases.
11:00 K9 dog. Sheriff Josh McQuillan and Nixon present. McQuillan presented information (see attached) in support for reestablishing the program. The state has given Carbon County a $10,000 grant to date and there is more money available. McQuillan would like to apply for another $6,600. Kennel in Pennsylvania cost all included is about $12,500. In the past we paid $120 per pay period for the K9 handler stipend. Between the two drug funds there is about $22,000 available now.
Miller verified that the dog wouldn’t hit on a marijuana smell. Bullock asked if he has anyone interested in pursuing narcotic crimes and asked about drug forfeitures in the past. There are two cars in Bridger that need to be sold as part of the program. Nixon spoke towards the benefits if you have the right person handling the dog. He believes it needs to be the right person otherwise it is a liability. Bullock is not in favor of the program as he doesn’t see there is a net benefit; historically it hasn’t always been successful. Nixon reiterated with the right person handling the dog it can be successful. Officer Glick did a great job working with the other departments and made the program work.
Miller asked if a dog would help deter the drug problems/smuggling etc in the county. Nixon mentioned that we should not expect to make money or even break even with a dog but it is a tool for law enforcement. Miller asked how long dogs are expected to work. McQuillan said most last 4-6 years.
Miller moved to move forward with the K9 program with a total cost expected to be $20,120 with the grants covering about $16,600 of the costs. Blain seconded the motion. No public comment. Miller and Blain voted in favor with Bulluck voting against.
12:00 Adjourned.