October 29, 2019

October 29, 2019
Commissioners Scott Blain and Bill Bullock, and Administrative Officer Angela Newell were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioners reviewed detention facility land proposals received as follows:
• Robert and Marilyn Hollister; portion of tract 7, COS 904; $10,000/acre
• Draper Ranch Company; within the E1/2 of the SE ¼ of the NE1/4, S16, T7S, R20E; $100,000/acre
• Elaine Osmun; TR 2AM, COS 2292 ft; $17,978/acre
• Win Development LLC; RLCCE 3rd Filing LT 58A BLK 4 COS 1318 6th AM; $43,570/acre
• MarCo LaRowe; NW1/4, S32, T5S, R21E & SW1/4 S29, T5S, R21E; price TBD
• Steve and Mike Toepfer; S26, T48, R23E, Edgar First Addn. Tract A; $176,470/acre
• Gene Klamert; Tract 4, COS 1106; $5,000/acre
• Daniel & Glenna Burmeister; S14, T04S, R22E 1691, Parcel 000, Remainder of Tract 1 COS 1691; $383,328/acre
• Town of Joliet; S15, T04S, R22E, TR A COS 1389; long term lease in exchange for connecting to city water and sewer
Commissioners would like to have a matrix to compare all proposed sites for a better side by side comparison of total costs including water and sewer facilities.
Commissioner Blain attended the Joliet Town Council meeting last night. He noted attendants were opposed to the detention facility land proposal until the issues with prisoner housing and transportation were discussed. After the meeting, there appeared to be much more support. He believes educating residents about the extent of the issues is going to be critical to the detention facility planning process.
11:00 Commissioner Bullock moved to approve employee time as submitted; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.
Commissioner Bullock moved to approve meeting minutes for October 1, 3, 8, and 10, 2019; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.
Justice of the Peace Kevin Nichols met with Commissioners to discuss the selection process for his open clerk position.
12:00 Lunch

1:00 Angela and Commissioners discussed the County’s email system; to better block malicious attacks and for better email function the County would like to move all emails to Office 365 and off of the legacy iMap email system.

2:00 Detention facility discussion. Beartooth RC&D Executive Director Joel Bertolino, Economic Development Director Steve Simonson, Red Lodge City Council Representative Dianne Dimich, Pete Critelli, Sheriff Josh McQuillan, Justice of the Peace Kevin Nichols, Clerk and Recorder Christine Stovall, Gary Lavine from Spectrum Group Architects, Ken Gallegos and Russ Moorhead from Lombard Conrad Architects, and Carbon County News reporter Eleanor Guerrero were present.
Commissioner Bullock noted site proposals include parcels adjacent to municipal water/waste water systems and bare land with no services. Russ noted a 1500 bed prison required $5M to develop standalone water/waste water facilities; he thought this size project would be closer $1,000,000. Commissioner Bullock noted they would like to explore three site types: one that could be connected to municipal water and sewer like the site proposed by the Town of Joliet; one that currently has connection to municipal water and sewer like the site proposed by Win Development LLC off Highway 78; and a site that would require its own water and waste water system like the site proposed by Gene Klamert above Fort Rockvale. Gary noted having a short list of possible sites will allow him to develop a better side by side comparison for total construction costs including water and wastewater facilities. Commissioners discussed site selection criteria. They would like to consider overall price, access (proximity to the highway), availability of utilities, and the site’s proximity to other development. Commissioner Bullock noted there could be long term benefits for the Win Development LLC site which may allow the County to consolidate services in the future. Commissioner Blain also noted there is added value of gravel pit on the Klamert site. There was a discussion regarding organizing sites for comparison on a spreadsheet with a pro/con list. Russ can help with drilling into auxiliary costs for providing water/wastewater services and other utilities.
Commissioner Blain noted he had a discussion with the prison in Deer Lodge; they hope to expand their detention meal program in the future and may be able to supply meals down the road.
Russ reviewed the initial draft of space programming based on a 100-bed facility. There was a discussion regarding video visitation vs. face to face visitation. Sheriff McQuillan would like more face to face visitation; face to face visitation spaces will be increase from 2 to 4. Commissioner Blain asked about in-person visitation; Russ noted digital visitation is taking over in person visitation because of its expanded hours. There was a discussion regarding who pays for video visitation. Recent case law has affirmed the operator of the facility is responsible for costs if face to face visitation is not available; otherwise, the inmate is responsible for the cost.
October 29, 2019 (cont.)
Russ Reviewed administrative office spaces, the control room, IT room, and public access spaces.
There was a discussion regarding the sally port which is programmed to accommodate 4 vehicles or 2 patrol vehicles with a bus in the drive through lane. Sheriff Josh McQuillan would like additional interior parking. The sally port will include decontamination facilities, vehicle washing facilities, and gun lockers for arresting officers. There was a discussion regarding storage. There will be a separate building for bulk storage which would include grounds maintenance equipment; this will prevent storage space from having to be built to detention facility standards. Russ also noted safety concerns with storing items in the sally port if there is a combative arrestee.
Between the sally port and booking office, there will be space for officers to write reports, an initoxalizer room for DUI processing, and a holding cell for combative arrestees. The booking area will contain an interview room for arresting officers to conduct interviews without having to come further into the facility. The booking area will have two booking counters and an ID station. There will be a group holding cell for 5-6 with three individual holding cells for a total of 9 arrestees. There would also be an open area for non-combative arrestees with “TV seating” for five. There was a discussion regarding checking for contraband and property storage. Sheriff McQuillan asked if intake and release were the same area; currently both would go through the booking area. Sheriff McQuillan would like some separation noting having multiple agencies with varying court schedules can congest the area.
There was a discussion regarding medical spaces. An exam room of 150 sq feet is currently programmed, but if the facility was expanded there may be a need to expand medical spaces to include an office or waiting room.
There was a discussion regarding the ratio of male to female housing. Sheriff McQuillan noted it is hard to find housing for females. Russ will look at options for flexible housing so a pod could be used for males or females depending on the need. Other housing issues were discussed including maximizing the facility’s efficiencies with inmate classifications including separate inmate worker housing to accommodate their working hours. There was a discussion regarding the number of beds needed. Russ noted the national average is 1 bed for every 500 residents which would put Carbon County’s needs between 50 and 60 beds. Russ reviewed spaces to provide education and treatment programs which would include a larger room and a smaller multi-use room. There would also be two separate outside recreation yards.
The food service area is programmed for a full-service kitchen although it could be ½ the size if food were ordered in; Judge Nichols suggested that space be kept in the design in case meal preparation has to be done in house at any point. Laundry facilities are sized to only need to operate 40 hours per week.
There was a discussion regarding space for Jail Alternatives including the 24/7 program and a space to place GPS monitors. There was a discussion about putting space in the public entrance to accommodate Alternatives.

There was a discussion regarding video arraignment and whether it needed its own dedicated space or if it could be shared with other functions.

Will look to the first week of December for the next meeting. Commissioners would like to invite judges, police chiefs, and other stakeholders to participate in the December meeting.

5:20 Adjourned

Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Officer