October 3, 2019
October 3, 2019
Commissioners Robert ‘Pits’ DeArmond, Scott Blain, and Bill Bullock, and Administrative Officer Angela Newell were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance
Weed District Coordinator Brian Ostwald met with Commissioners to request a County Credit Card.
DES Coord. / Fire Warden Tom Kohley met with Commissioners regarding some road map information. The T on Pryor Mountain Road is confusing for emergency responders as to which direction to go based on address information. Tom would like to rename the south section between the T and Railbed Road to be named S Pryor Mountain Road. He would also like to split Railbed Road into North and South Railbed Road with the dividing line being S. Pryor Mountain Road. Commissioner Bullock moved to approve proposed names; Commissioner DeArmond seconded; there was a discussion regarding the procedure for renaming roads as it would affect addresses. Commissioners would like Tom to follow the petition procedure that will be adopted for road name changes and requires consent of 60% of the affected landowners.
9:40 Commissioner Bullock noted the renter at the Fairgrounds has moved her trailer and will be moving the camp trailer this week.
10:00 Deputy County Attorney Shannon Foley met with Commissioners. Shannon noted their office required $25,000 in upfront restitution to allow Strickland to adopt some of the dogs through a California breeder. The deferred prosecution agreement is drafted; some of the details need to be finalized including the number of dogs she can own and the mechanism for ensuring agreement terms are being followed. The agreement will also require regular veterinary monitoring for any dogs she is allowed to possess.
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Meeting with the Department of Natural Resource and Conservation (DNRC) regarding the floodplain remapping project. DNRC representatives Nadene Wadsworth, Tiffany Lyden, and Sam Johnson, National Flood Insurance Coordinator Traci Sears, Floodplain Administrator Annie Gillespie, Clerk and Recorder Christine Stovall, Dean Webb Bearcreek, PJ Bertolino Roberts, Steve Miller Joliet, Ira Preshinger Joliet, John Davidson Jolii\et, Chuck Strum Interstate Engineering, Steve Miller Joliet, and Tim Nottingham Fromberg Town Council were present. Tiffany gave an overview of the
project’s scope. She noted Carbon County has had floodplain maps since 1980, but most of the maps were compiled with old data and were not updated when they were digitized. Annie noted there are some significant discrepancies in the Rock Creek drainage between the flood elevations on the existing maps and Letters of Map Amendment that have been filed with FEMA and the expense of landowners. Grant funding was awarded by FEMA to remap Rock Creek and the Clarks Fork River as well as a number of tributary streams for a total of 184 stream miles. Lidar data has been collected and is being processed. Ground surveys will begin next summer and DNRC expects draft maps to be produced in late 2021. Annie noted the maps that contain the tributary streams, that are currently approximate zones, will have detailed maps with elevations. Tracy noted existing structures would receive grandfather status and may be eligible for reduced flood insurance rates. John noted changes in the river channel that have caused flooding and bank erosion on his property. It was noted the map revision project only applies to the maps and that mitigation projects were not a component. Tiffany reviewed the process for the County to adopt maps which will include a public comment period and a revision of the local regulations to incorporate the new maps. Commissioner Blain confirmed for the record that Carbon County does not support increasing setbacks in the regulations as contemplated by DNRC. Tracy noted her guidance has been that those setbacks would have to be enacted through zoning and not necessarily as part of the floodplain regulations. Chuck noted rip rap engineering is quite a bit less expensive than modeling the river to determine base flood elevations and that in the end the remapping project should save residents money.
Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Officer