October 31, 2023

October 31, 2023
Commissioners Scott Miller, Scott Blain, and Bill Bullock were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.
9:00 Erin Cross, Public Health Director, met to request approval for the County to be a passthrough entity for a $25k grant from DPHHS for the Mental Health Crisis Coalition. Cross will not need to do anything other than submit the grant deliverables. Piedmont Research will be contracted to act as the project manager and will do all the work for the application as well. The grant will be for a community health improvement project for the Clarks Fork area mostly via the Bridger School and public library. Bullock made a motion to approve the grant application, Blain second, motion carried.

Miller signed the application for the Coal Trust Grant on behalf of the CART program to try and bolster funding long-term.

9:30 The Red Lodge Mountain sand truck lease was postponed until Thursday.

9:35 Bullock moved to approve minutes from September 12, 2023, Blain second. Motion passed

9:50 Cyrina Allen, DES, gave an update on the rock debris project that Montana DES has worked on. Once again Fish Wildlife and Parks (FWP) is holding this project up and to date has not permitted the project. FEMA has approved the project. The parties involved will meet on November 1 and try to resolve this issue. Contractors are scheduled to start work this week. Commissioners expressed their frustration with FWP.

10:00 Brent Moore with Interstate Engineering. They have started the design for the Edgar Lagoon for the FEMA-funded project to be completed in 2024 with a phase 2 project that would be funded in traditional funding after doing a Preliminary Engineering Report (PER). The grant is $40,000 with a $31,568 match, county anticipates using ARPA money that was allocated for Edgar Lagoon as the match. The PER will be completed in 2024 and construction in 2025. Bullock made a motion to approve Resolution 2023-31 for the Edgar Lagoon PER, Blain second, motion carried.

Bullock made a motion to approve Resolution 2023-32 for the Bridge System PER, Blain second, motion carried.

Allen wanted to make sure that DES mitigation planning works alongside the bridge system PER as much as possible.

11:00 Beartooth Cupboards lease for part of Cedarwood building. Bullock made a motion to approve, Blain second, motion carried.

12:00 Adjourned.