NOTICE: NEW BURN PERMIT SYSTEM - Purchase a 2025 burn permit starting Jan 1

October 5, 2021

October 5, 2021
Commissioners Scott Miller, and Bill Bullock; and Administrative Officer Angela Newell were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.

September 27 – 29th Commissioners Miller and Bullock attended the Montana Association of Counties annual conference in Kalispell.
Miller moved to accept District Court Fines and Fees, Clerk and Recorder Monthly Deposit Reconciliation, and Treasurer Cash reports for September 2021; Bullock seconded; motion carried

9:00 Sanitarian update. Sanitarian in Training Barbara Krizek, Assistant Lori Kane, and part-time Sanitarian Scott Vandell were in attendance. There were 52 licensed establishment inspections performed by Vandell in Q3; on track to receive full reimbursement from the State. On-site waste water permits and inspections continue to be busy. Krizek has received 20 new applications since Lynde’s departure in mid-August; 11 of which are greater than 20 acres and require local Sanitary review. Review of various complaints related to on-site wastewater being improperly disposed of. Vandell presented a grant application; $15,000 grant requires a 3 years written plan to standardize inspections, there is no match requirement. Commissioners approved grant application.

9:30 Kathy Bauer from Dept. of Revenue and Treasurer Lori Lynde met with Commissioners regarding water bills from Fromberg. Lynde has reached out for proof of mailing/notice, no response yet from the Town. Lynde noted Fromberg’s Clerk only chose to provide notice to those that have a delinquent balance in excess of $1,000. Miller noted that as of last week some of the bills have been paid. Bauer clarified that they can not pick and choose who to include. 2015 was the last list of delinquent water charges that were on tax bills. Commissioners agree it makes sense to hold off another year until there is proof of notice and until there is a comprehensive list.

10:30 DES Coordinator Cyrina Allen and GIS Coordinator Tom Kohley met with Commissioners for their monthly update. Allen has postponed the Fire After Action Review in hopes of getting better agency attendance at a later date. Allen reviewed grants. She received a quote for radios for EMPG Reverted Funds Grant. Allen attended the Bridger Town Council meeting regarding grant application for canal mitigation. The $83,0000 Homeland Security Grant for radio system microwave link upgrades was awarded. Radio tower locations must go through an environmental review; Allen has consulted Historic Preservation Officer and City of Red Lodge regarding historic preservation considerations for the Court House radios. Bullock asked about radio system MW and State land radio system compatibility. Allen noted MW links will provide licensed bands to bring other towers closer to tie into state network. Kohley noted Shane Ridge and Greeno are the only sites the State currently plans to build out into Carbon County which presents coverage issues. Allen believes compatibility with state system is mostly on the user end. Bullock would like to make sure that updates and capital outlay are in line with the State’s plans. Kohley does not believe the State plans to increase coverage beyond the two existing towers, but noted Highway Patrol may be interested in the Red Lodge Mountain site. Kohley can provide buildout plan. Bullock noted presentation last week at MACo indicated that there may be some options for tie in and expansion. Kohley arranged Cooney trip for LEPC meeting tomorrow. Allen noted her trainings have been focused on Public Health Officer (PHO) and Public Health (PH) topics. She is participating in weekly meeting with PHO and PH Coordinators across the State. Tuesday 12th training with Cross and DPHHS regarding duties and responsibilities of PH. Allen plans to attend DES Conference October 19-21.

Kohley provided an update. He has assigned 10 new addresses in the last month. 2021 ytd is already in excess of the previous 4 years totals. There is a new DNRC type 6 engine in County; it is temporarily assigned to Red Lodge Fire 7 to temporarily replace the engine that was burned over, it will eventually be transferred to Joliet. DNRC fire reimbursements will be over $70k. Started radio equipment inventory in hopes of selling at upcoming auction. Vehicle batteries that were used as a backup power supply for radio towers may be redistributed to other County departments or sold. Discussion regarding old radio equipment; would like to sell lower dollar value items at a sale for ham radio operators (less than $1,000 does not require public auction). Look at including larger items in an auction in the spring if can find a way to deprogram repeaters.

11:00 Personnel Policy Updates. Miller moved to adopt Resolution 2021-29 to Adopt Personnel Policies and Addenda Superseding all other Personnel Policies and Amendments; Bullock seconded; motion carried.

Bullock stepped out.

Kohley met with Miller regarding security cameras for personnel services building.

12:00 Lunch

1:00 Work Session. Public Health update. Public Health Coordinator Erin Cross, County Attorney Alex Nixon, Deputy County Attorney Bob Spoja, and Public Health Officer Cyrina Allen were present. Cross noted conversations with schools, working to renormalize the school designee description and flow chart for schools. Discussed with Riverstone about people not wanting to quarantine, Riverstone will be handing out the revised guidance. Cross will request Beartooth and Mtn. View Clinics also handout guidance. DPHHS guidance is for PH to release information to school nurse and they can work with schools on contact tracing. Discussion regarding CCN reporting. Concerns about how information is being reported. Agree that more regular information release directly from the County is appropriate. Nixon concurred with DPHHS guidance regarding schools. Cross noted availability of rapid tests is a major factor in test result turn around. Cross noted high false negative rate for a-symptomatic patients. One employment applicant for each PH Nurse and PH Medical Director; try to schedule interviews for Wednesday, October 13th.

1:40 Scott Waples met with Commissioners regarding petition to alter the name of Pyramid Lane. Property north of Point of Rocks, all property within the family. Vern Waples (father) built water wheel on property that Scott owns using to power components of the home. Would like to rename the road as a nod to Vern Waples, would like to rename road to Waterwheel Road. Three buildings accessed by road probably 2 residences. 6574 212 S. one building address and everyone using that address. Northwestern Energy has three different addresses. Kohley suggested name be revised to Waterwheel Ln, Way, or Dr. as it is not a county road.
Miller moved to accept petition to alter Pyramid Ln and rename it Waterwheel Ln; Waples agreeable to the altered suffix.; Stovall requested that petition be filed with Clerk and Recorder for historical record purposes; motion carried.


Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Officer