October 6, 2020

October 6, 2020

Commissioners Scott Blain and Bill Bullock (tele-conference); Administrative Officer Angela Newell; and Commissioners’ Secretary Barbara Krizek were present.

8:30 Pledge of Allegiance

8:55 Scott Miller joined the meeting.

9:30 Discussion regarding County road use and whether to adopt a permitting and/or fee structure for commercial use (ex: upcoming filming of Geico commercial) or event use (ex: non-profit bike race on County roads around Cooney State Park). Newell stated the County’s Encroachment Permit has appropriate legal language; on a case by case basis Commissioners could waive fees for non-profit events. Commissioners agreed that liability insurance coverage would be sufficient. Attachments to Resolution 2020-24 will be adapted accordingly.

10:30 Disaster and Emergency Services (DES) update provided by former Coordinator Tom Kohley; newly hired Coordinator Cyrina Allen was unavailable to attend. Report attached. Fire season continues to linger with Stage I fire restrictions and auto-aid (Level 1) response still in effect. The Roberts petition to modify the Rural Fire District 6/7 boundary is on-hold; Kohley to follow-up with Department of Revenue. Discussion regarding Niemi vs Neimi Road and which spelling is accurate; Kohley will inquire with Clerk and Recorder for original Road Petition. Kohley will update map for Wilsey/Edgar Roads to clarify boundaries for Superintendent of Schools.

11:00 Brent Moore of Interstate Engineering joined via tele-conference to discuss the County’s Capital Improvement Plan. He requested an additional week to finalize the plan in order to address Red Lodge airport issues: he will allocate $350k for FY21-22 to overlay the runway ($150k Airport Capital Improvement funds plus $200k Montana Aeronautics grant to be requested) and add taxi-way construction for FY22-23 for $200k assuming another Montana Aeronautics grant). Moore inquired about pursuing Federal Aviation Administration funding as part of the Airport Improvement Program. FY24-25 and FY25-26 will allocate $500k each year for major runway repaving. Discussion regarding capital projects for County Roads. Over the last two years Bridge and Road Safety and Accountability Act (BARSSA) funds have been used for new pavement (Farewell) or re-pavement (Clear Creek) projects. Commissioners intend to move these funds (approximately $95,000/year) around between the three road districts. With the Bridger Commissioner seat vacant, decision to delay allocations until a new Bridger District Commissioner is seated. Discussion regarding Federal Lands Access Program (FLAP) application for funding for East Side Road bridges scheduled for replacement in FY23-24; if not FLAP, then Treasure State Endowment Program (TSEP) grant; FY22-23 if possible to do sooner. Palisades Basin Ranch has inquired with the County about purchasing the retiring Chance Road Bridge; Commissioners are meeting with Great West Engineering this afternoon to discuss the bridge and will discuss the process of auctioning the old bridge; bridge replacement is valued at $1.6M. Regarding the Detention Facility, Town of Joliet plans to annex the Stevens’s property to the Town; Commissioners asked for a Task Order agreement for that project rather than General Services Agreement so that it can be reimbursed by bonds. Interstate Engineering will be working with the Town of Joliet for an Annexation Plan; the Town has applied for a grant for a new water storage tank, but some improvements will have to be made to tie water from the Town to the Detention Facility site. Discussion regarding the Town of Joliet’s infrastructure and which improvements are fair for the County to pay and which are fair for the Town to pay. Commissioner Bullock clarified that he will not pay for infrastructure improvements for the Town unless they are directly necessary for the Detention Facility’s construction.

11:40 Fair Board President Phil Nardinger joined the meeting for general discussion about the Fairgrounds and the prospect of, and options for, holding next year’s Rodeo in light of COVID-19 since this year’s Rodeo was cancelled.

11:55 Gary Levine of Spectrum Architects joined the meeting to discuss the Personal Services Building remodel proposal and Montana Association of Counties’ (MACo) request for clarification on whether less expensive and less permanent alternatives were considered before they will allow for CARES Act reimbursement for the project. Discussion that less permanent alternatives would not preserve Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) privacy requirements. Commissioners will write a letter to Eric Bryson of MACo to detail all considerations (such as privacy, sanitization, and social distancing) and costs that resulted in the proposal provided to MACo. Discussion that meat processing plants were funded by CARES Act for permanent improvements.

Commissioner Bullock moved to approve Belfry Lighting Board’s request to move $685 from budget line 369 Other Repair & Maintenance to 390 Other Purchased Service; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.

Commissioner Bullock moved to accept the Treasurer’s Cash Report for September 2020; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.

Commissioner Bullock moved to accept the Clerk and Recorder Monthly Deposit Reconciliation for September 2020; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.

Commissioner Bullock moved to accept the Carbon County District Court Fines and Fees Report for September 2020.

12:10 Adjourned.