NOTICE: NEW BURN PERMIT SYSTEM - Purchase a 2025 burn permit starting Jan 1

September 1, 2020

September 1, 2020

Commissioners Scott Blain and Bill Bullock; Administrative Officer Angela Newell; Commissioners’ Secretary Barbara Krizek; and Scott Miller were present.

8:30 Pledge of Allegiance

8:35 Carbon County News Reporter Eleanor Guerrero joined via tele-conference.

Clerk and Recorder Christine Stovall joined the meeting to request that Commissioners reconsider their decision from August 25th of holding a poll election for the Federal General on November 3rd; she recommended an all mail-in ballot. Her main concern is having sufficient staff, particularly if she and/or Election Administrator Macque Bohleen are quarantined due to COVID-19 during the September 9th judges training or on Election Day. She shared that staffing in her department is already stressed and any illnesses, even the flu which has similar symptoms, could create roadblocks. She expects an average of 125 poll voters per precinct to show up on Election Day.

9:10 Commissioner Bullock moved to open the Public Hearing for the Preliminary FY20-21 Budget; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried. Newell detailed changes to the budget presented last week. Weed Grant budget went up due to left over grant fund from 2019-2020 that had not been accounted for; Treasurer’s salaries adjusted to greater accuracy. On cash reserve worksheet levied funds were brought to 29.5%; up from 29% the prior year. The Home Land Security Grant cash reserve shows as a negative due to a reconciliation error in the grant and some expenditures being erroneously charged to the grant; Newell is working with Kohley and auditors to correct. Superintendent of Schools has not yet received all school budgets as they all require adjustments due to transportation revenues from CARES Act funding. Total mills 136.73 up one mill. The value of a County Wide mill increased by $3,416 over 2019; the value of the Road mill increased $3,256.

Newell discussed the Carbon County Board of Health board composition. Per by-laws, Commissioners shall appoint three members of the public and has the authority to appoint up to four. By appointing four, there would be a board of seven members with three current vacancies; two members of the public and one commissioner. Commissioner Bullock expressed support for a seven-member board; Commissioner Blain concurred and would value wider input on the board. Newell will advertise for two vacancies with offset expiration dates. 9:45 Guerrero departed the meeting.

Discussion regarding the Disaster and Emergency Services (DES) Coordinator vacancy and applicants; Newell will schedule interviews. 10:00 Sirrine departed the meeting.

10:15 Public Health Nurse Roberta Cady joined the meeting and provided a COVID-19 update.

10:25 Meeting closed to discuss a personnel issue; 10:30 Meeting re-opened.

Stovall returned to the meeting to discuss the Road Tract Tax Deed issue in a subdivision close to water works property. She recommended that Commissioners confer with Montana Association of Counties legal department since this will continue to be a concern in the future, and other counties may be dealing with the same issue.

10:45 Commissioner Bullock moved to approve Employee Time as submitted; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.

Miller departed the meeting.

10:50 Meeting closed to discuss a personnel issue; 10:55 Meeting re-opened.

Commissioner Bullock moved to accept the Treasurer’s Cash Report for the month of August; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.

Commissioner Bullock moved to accept the Clerk and Recorder Monthly Deposit Reconciliation for the month of August; Commissioner Blain seconded; motion carried.

11:25 Phil Nardinger joined the meeting to give an update on the Home of Champions Rodeo plans to hold a small banquet on September 13th; COVID-19 mitigation measures will be in-place as it will be held outside at the Fairgrounds.

11:30 DES Coordinator Tom Kohley joined the meeting to report that the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) will be doing a site review for the lease for the Bridger Radio Tower site. He requested that some backfill be done in preparation.

12:00 Adjourned.