September 14, 2015


          September 14, 2015

          Commissioners Doug Tucker, John Grewell, and John Prinkki were present.

8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.

          DES Director Tom Kohley met with Commissioners to discuss fire restrictions. The Commissioners are inclined to stay in Stage 1 Fire Restrictions.  

          Commissioner Grewell received an email from the Department of Commerce approving the County’s request to postpone the Red Lodge Creek Road Bridge Treasure State Endowment Program (TSEP) project until the 2015-2016 fiscal year.

          Fair board appointment was postponed until the position can be advertised.

          Commissioner Tucker noted for the minutes: he and Sheriff McQuillan met with Elias GoesAhead, Terry PlainBull, and Bobbie Brown regarding the Pryor Mountain Road which has been shut off to the public by landowners. Landowners assured them they will provide access for emergency services.

          9:25 Dan Martin met with Commissioners to discuss retirement reporting under the Superintendent of Schools Agreement.

          9:45 Sanitarian Josh Juarez met with Commissioners regarding Y-Stop in Roberts. The Food License was not validated in July as compliance issues were being addressed. Josh received a letter from the Y-Stop requesting an administrative hearing regarding license validation. Josh thinks a corrective action plan would be more appropriate as the Administrative Rules allow for a less formal process. Freezer issues and hot holding issues have been addressed. Josh believes that the progress made to date is enough to validate the 2015 license. He will draft letter regarding their progress and issues that still need to be addressed before the 2016 license can be validated.

          10:00 Commissioner Grewell moved to accept Resolution 2015-15 Installation of Cattle Guards replacing Resolutions 1995-15 and 2012-01 and inserting language that an “encroachment permit will not be approved if it will result in the diminishment of the safety of the traveling public or the ability of Carbon County Road crews to maintain that section of road“; Commissioner Tucker seconded; motion carried.

          10:15 Commissioner Tucker left the meeting to look at a road out of Bearcreek with Dean Webb.

          11:00 Disaster and Emergency Services Coordinator Tom Kohley met with Commissioners for Fire Restrictions call. Carbon will stay in Stage 1 Restrictions and hopes to roll out the burn permit system in October.

          12:00 Lunch

          1:00 Tiffany Lyden and Sam Johnston from Department of Natural Resource and Conservation (DNRC), Sarah Houghland from Michael Baker International (DNRC Contractor), and Monica Plecker CTA, met with commissioners to discuss the DNRC Floodplain Project to update flood plain mapping on the Yellowstone River. 1:10 Sanitarian Josh Juarez and DES Coordinator Tom Kohley joined the meeting. The project is funded by a DNRC grant and will incorporate a 2013 study into the Yellowstone River Flood Plain Maps for Carbon, Yellowstone, and Stillwater Counties. The maps will be updated with elevation details to replace the current maps that approximate the floodplain based on proximity to the river. The map changes will not add or remove any structures from the floodplain in Carbon County. As the project moves forward, preliminary Flood Insurance Rate Maps will be released in December and followed by a Public Meeting and 90 day comment an appeal period.

       1:40 Adjourned

Respectfully submitted: Angela Newell, Administrative Assistant