September 17, 2020
September 17, 2020
Commissioners Scott Blain and Bill Bullock; and Commissioners’ Secretary Barbara Krizek were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance
Dave MacAusland and Steve Martiak, both of Roscoe, joined the meeting during Public Comment period to voice their concerns about the grading priorities and processes on East Rosebud Road which is a Priority 3 road, taxation of the East Rosebud Association who is listed as the sole property owner around the lake with one structure even though there are 50-60 homes there, and public access to the lake. 8:50 Gordon Sirrine joined the meeting. Commissioner Bullock encouraged them to direct their questions/concerns about property tax to the State Department of Revenue. Commissioner Bullock informed them of Federal Land Access Program (FLAP) grants that the County is pursuing to help with improving conditions on that, and other, County roads.
9:30 Red Lodge Mayor Bill Larson joined the meeting. He reported that Red Lodge merchants are still doing well, despite COVID-19, with short-term home rentals still fully occupied. Commissioner Bullock reported that COVID-19 active cases in Carbon County have remained stable–in single-digits–for a long time despite neighboring Counties experiencing much higher cases and deaths; he cited the diligence of the County’s Public Health department in quarantining and contact tracing. 9:45 Scott Miller joined the meeting. Larson provided feedback that he’s received many compliments about County roads this season. Discussion regarding moving forward with repairing the fence shared by Fairgrounds/Airport.
10:00 County Attorney Alex Nixon joined the meeting. Discussion regarding a complaint voiced to the County by P.J. Bertolino regarding the Planning Board’s approval of an Amish School in Roberts. Commissioner Bullock commended Nixon’s letter published in the newspapers regarding the shooting at the Lake Fork trailhead earlier this year. Nixon hasn’t heard any further from the Meeteetse Meadows subdivision’s legal representation regarding pursuing litigation on road maintenance (plowing). Contract Deputy County Attorney Civil Jacque Papez is researching the tax deed / right-of-way issue.
10:25 Denise Rivette joined the meeting; 10:30 Rivette departed the meeting. 10:45 Sirrine departed the meeting; 11:10 Sirrine re-joined the meeting.
11:15 Disaster and Emergency Services Coordinator Tom Kohley joined the meeting to discuss opportunities for surplus equipment. Commissioners approved acquiring a 1985 Case MW24C loader from Washington if it’s in good condition; Kohley will ask for a shipping quote since road crews will be busy with Winter preparations.
11:30 Board of Health Appointments. Commissioners reviewed the qualifications for four applicants. Commissioner Bullock moved to appoint Stacie Warehime and William Oley, MD to the Board of Health with Oley appointed to a remaining term expiring 12/31/2020 and renewing for three years with an expiration of 12/31/2023 and Warehime appointed to the remainder of a term expiring 12/31/2022; Commissioner Blain seconded. Commissioner Bullock commented that Oley is practicing medical doctor located in Red Lodge while Warehime is a practicing Registered Nurse in Joliet; he supported having diverse geographic representation on the Board and he has worked alongside Warehime on Library Board viewing her contributions positively; Commissioner Blain concurred stating that Oley serves as the Director of Medicine for the only hospital in the County and Warehime is on the front lines with COVID-19 testing in Billings; motion carried. Sirrine departed.
Commissioner Bullock received a Letter from Fromberg School District regarding an issue with bus routing between Fromberg/Joliet Districts; letter directed to Superintendent of Schools Lori Lynde.
12:00 Adjourned.