September 19, 2019


September 19, 2019
Commissioners Scott Blain and Bill Bullock, Pits DeArmond and Clerk & Recorder Christine L Stovall were present.
8:30 Pledge of Allegiance.
8:35 Mary Cameron & Diane Dimich met with commissioners during public comment. Mary asked if they would approve her using DUI funds to manage the Coffee with a Cop event in Bridger on October 9th. With the ad, coffee, and treats she believes it should be around $400.00. Since Mary is no longer the employed DUI Coordinator, Commissioner Blain will sign the claims.
Commissioner Blain noted he visited with Montana Department of Transportation Director Mike Tooley in regards to the finalization of the Highway 310/212 project; it currently slated to be finished in the 2022 budget year. Commissioner Blain will draft a letter encouraging the Department and Legislature to finalize the project sooner.
Commissioner Blain visited in regards to replacing the transmission in the snowblower in the Joliet Shop. Inland Truck in Billings said they cannot repair it and a reman transmission was found in Florida for approximately $13,000.00. Commissioners Bullock and DeArmond agree this repair should be made for use of the equipment this winter.
10:00 County Attorney Alex Nixon visited about the dogs being held in evidence. Alex noted negotiations look pretty good and there is a tentative agreement on how many dogs will be adopted through the Beartooth Humane Alliance (BHA) and how many will go to the adoption agency in California preferred by the defendant. BHA will have an adoption fee and has been directed by Sheriff McQuillan to prepare to adopt a fair number of dogs. Alex would like to see a restitution bond to help pay for the County’s costs. Everyone is anxious to get the dogs out of the cold.
Alex visited with Shannon or Jacque in reference to the Industrial Communications suit for the Simulcast Radio system. Discovery has been exchanged and they anticipate deposition notices and a scheduling order to be issued soon.
Commissioners mentioned the Request for Proposals (RFP) for the jail land site. The architects would like to have sites narrowed down by our next meeting. Commissioner Bullock has prepared a rough draft of the RFP and would appreciate feedback from his office. There was a discussion regarding the jail planning meeting on Tuesday. Alex suggested the commissioners consider visiting with the Montana Department of Corrections and the Federal Government, as long as we are up to those two specifications, we have no worries about anyone else.
Commissioner Blain asked Alex about the discharge of 300,000 gallons of waste water into our barrow pit by WBI Energy. Cortney Lynde, Sanitarian in Training, joined the meeting. Alex noted possible liability for the County if there are issues with the discharge, he feels a private land owner easement may be more appropriate. WBI has DEQ approval to discharge into a ditch, but do not have easements to get the water there.
10:30 Discharge water into burrow pit by WBI Energy. Commissioner Bullock moved to postpone waste water release by WBI Energy, Commissioner DeArmond seconded; motion carried. Commissioner Blain will inform WBI of today’s action and recommendation that they coordinate with private landowners.

12:00 Lunch. Adjourned

Respectfully submitted: Christine L Stovall, Clerk & Recorder