NOTICE: NEW BURN PERMIT SYSTEM - Purchase a 2025 burn permit starting Jan 1   NEW WEBSITE - Carbon County is moving to

October 3, 2016


October 3, 2016

Commissioners Doug Tucker, John Grewell, John Prinkki, and Lola Ashby, Deputy Clerk and Recorder were present.

8:30 Pledge of Allegiance

9:00 John Husar, Mud Springs Wind Project, was in to discuss New and Expanding Industry Tax Application.

Commissioner Grewell moved to approve September Claims, Commissioner Tucker seconded, motion carried.

Meeting minutes for September 1st meeting were approved and accepted.

10:00 Sanitarian, Josh Juarez, made his monthly report.  He has been very busy with Septic Inspections. DotCalm and Stormitt Butte Subdivisions were discussed as they received DEQ approval for cisterns only. Wells require individual DEQ approval, which could result in 160 DEQ Rewrite approvals for DotCalm alone. Stormitt Butte has multiple lots using 1 well.

Residents from other counties are contacting Josh with questions, he has assisted some in the past, but going forward will refer them to the appropriate county. Realtors have also been coming to Josh with concerns that should be directed to engineers or contractors.  He can provide contact information for the appropriate parties.

Food inspections are a little behind.  They are due in the last quarter and Josh expects to catch up now that the weather is changing and Septic inspections should be slowing down. Josh will be consulting the County Attorney about issues with Wildflower Gardens. The Army Corp of Engineers is getting involved with Flood Plain issues.

10:30 DES Coordinator/GIS Manager, Tom Kohley, made his monthly report (see attachment). Winter projects will include reviewing, updating and rewriting various plans for Carbon County.

A letter was received from Harry Roemich regarding Flag Protocol.  Carbon County is following correct Protocol and passed the information on to Mr. Roemich.

Commissioners did Time Clock Approvals


Reimbursement for meals was discussed.  State Statute Rates vs receipt actual costs.           MACo needs to be consulted.

12:00 Adjourned